oK some help please? ? ? I have just this crockpot hangi in the pot about 45min ago. I put the spuds on bottom and chicken on top of them. Pumpkin, kumera, carrots around. Didn't buy water cress so thats not in there. Then put the big cabbage leaves on top with the homemade stuffing on top of that. Is this all correct? Hopefully its idiot proof enough to work for me. What i have to ask is... . . what is the liquid smoke every1 is talking about? as i don't have that nor have i heard of it? and is that what is needed to get the smokey taste? ? ?
Jul 15, 12:15am
Prodably starting to smell good by now... sounds like you have done everything right. Have heard people taking about the smoke thing but mind tasted good without it.
Jul 15, 1:40am
wow this sounds sooo yummy. i will definitely be making it for dinner tomorrow! ! !
Jul 15, 3:45am
omg it was beautiful and idiot proof. reccomend to all.
Jul 15, 5:54am
You people are amazing... . I am gonna try this for my Dad. Sending recipe to brothers in Aus. Watercress is gonna get planted soon. Yoohoo amazing
Jul 15, 6:21am
bump for later
Jul 15, 8:39am
you guys r making me hungry, leftovers from dinner sounds good, loving this thread
Jul 16, 9:16pm
Bump Lov'n this thread, can smell it cooking and damn it smells good. Got enough watercress left to add to some bacon bones for tomorrow nights boil-up
Jul 17, 2:54am
Cooked it, ate it, loved it. The person that came up with this deserves a knighthood, well done, thank you.
Jul 17, 5:56am
I agree also best thing since sliced bread.
Jul 17, 7:10pm
Burnt Cabbage First try at the hangi was delicious. 2nd try the cabbage burnt. Haven't been able to fit stuffing on top either time. What shall I do?
Jul 17, 9:23pm
I've got mine all done ready to go. Cant wait untill tonight when it's ready.
Jul 18, 1:20am
We had this for dinner tonight Not exactly like a hangi as it lacked the smokey, earthy flavour, but very tender and tasty. Will make again!
Jul 18, 5:15pm
hangi Was telling a lady at work about this and she said that they do in baking dish covered with foil in oven and is just as nice. So if you dont have crockpot try that way. We had it in crockpot with chicken breast as pot wasnt big enough for whole chk. Chicken was a little dry. Anyone tried corn beef on it
Jul 19, 9:05am
works great Did chicken & we found at the end, still quite a bit of liquid in the crock pot. Gotta try the smoke flavouring next time.
Jul 21, 2:47am
Trying to eat healthy - so I wondered if I could take the skin off the chicken before following all your instructions. Also, you talk about stuffing on top of everything, would it work if I put the stuffing in the chicken or is the idea that the stuffing on top flavours everything? My understanding of all I've read is that the top needs to be snug and sealed in by cabbage and maybe tinfoil so that everything steams
Jul 21, 4:18am
Mud in a crockpot ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? I used to make a small hangi in a large tin with a small mixture of soil & water combined on the bottom ...covered with a expandable vegtable steamer... next the vegetables and meat...cooked slowly over a gas flame... it tasted like a real hangi... might give it a go in my crock pot... dont laugh... it might work.
Jul 21, 5:32pm
Tried Stuffing inside but ittakes too long to cook But there's no reason you couldn't remove the skin. Why not take it off after it's cooked? After all the fat drips off into the bottom of the crock bowl & so helps prevent any little burnt on bits when you have to wash up. The mud in the crock you mention I once saw on a NZ TV cookery show presented by Peta Mathias. It really does taste genuine. Will try & find the recipe if you like. My brother makes his "hangi" in the oven w/ foil over the food then puts the baking dish lid over it all. I prefer crock pot because I can go away and leave it, unlike the oven.
Jul 22, 8:24pm
what size crockpots does everyone use? ? I only have a small crockpot and I also have a feeling it doesn't work the best, the last few times I've used it steam slips out of the top of the lid! good excuse to buy a new one, but wondering if I should look at getting a bigger one so I can try this recipe! So just wondering what size crockpot is best?
Jul 22, 9:02pm
Janny3 It would be really great if you could have a hunt arount. Ive tasted a lot of hangis... just not quite the same without the soil.
Jul 22, 10:34pm
Ok deb888 will try & wade through the messy kitchen for the piece of scribbled paper wedged into an old recipe book somewhere. Wonder if it's on the web alreay under Peta Mathias/TVNZ?
Jul 22, 11:38pm
ok i have one on tonight but... . . I couldnt jam the stuffing on top. The lid wont go on! ! ! What am i doing wrong? What size chicken is okay and what size crock pot? I put it on at 11am but it doesnt even look close to being cooked. Have put tinfoil around to 'seal' it. (Will put in oven if it doesnt turn out)The kids are circling like vultures as the smell is divine. Hope it does turn out will try smaller chicken next time.
Jul 22, 11:59pm
Had the same problem so used the foil too but couldn't see through the lid what was happening. Try to hack off a bit of the bottom of the chicken to squash it down. If you make quite a wettish stuffing also you can mould it (like potter's clay) to seal over the large cabbage leaves (etc). It does cook down also. So I weighted mine down w/ an upside down heavy cast iron fry-pan which did the trick till it all cooked down enough for the lid to fit easily.
Jul 23, 12:03am
lol thanks will try the heavy pan trick. Looks like i will have to chuck it all in the oven though, the kids are a bit peckish already. The smell is soooo lovely.
Jul 23, 12:45am
For anyone looking for a slowcooker Ronson products are half price at the Warehouse.
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