Buttermilk is what is left over from making cultured butter, that is where the culture comes from . since NZlanders insist on insipid sweet cream butter, buttermilk in this country is made from low fat milk and the same culture. In no way is lemon juice and milk an alternative.
Nov 29, 10:23pm
Note the word "alternative" to buttermilk. It is not called "homemade buttermilk". It is a "substitute" just as you can substitute margarine for butter. it is not the same!
Nov 29, 10:35pm
You are incorrect.
Nov 29, 10:37pm
I am glad you know more . how about sharing it!
Nov 29, 10:39pm
You are talking about cultured buttermilk which is found in Europe, not New Zealand. Traditional buttermilk comes from the milk/cream used to make butter. The poster above is taking about ordinary bog standard butter milk and lemon juice or vinegar will give you a substitute for this.Hope that clears it up for you.
Nov 29, 10:48pm
To chuck or upchuck - that is the question ;)
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