Blender help please

petlover65, Oct 30, 9:03pm
I keep seeing yummy recipes on here that use a whole orange but I currently don't have anything to blend it up with so what would be the best thing to use.a blender or food processor!would a stick blender do the job!Cheers!

lilyfield, Oct 30, 9:08pm
food processor I don,t think a blender will cope with a whole orange

gerry64, Oct 30, 10:08pm
The stick blender sort of works -If you cut the orange- I use the tall plastic sort of milk shake cup shaped thing that came with it - probably doesnt do as good a job as a processor but I have made the orange cake successfully- well it all got eaten!

carlosjackal, Oct 30, 10:50pm
I'm sure if you chopped the orange up well with a knife, the stick blender should be able to cope. Try'll soon know if it blends it or not!