For those of you who live in the Wararapa, Annabel Langbein's latest cookbook Simple Pleasures is for sale at Hedley's Bookshop in Masterton for $35.00 - the lowest price that I have seen it for sale yet!
Oct 12, 9:16pm
Lucky you carlosjackal.That was indeed very good buying at $35.00 - I haven't seen the book at or being advertised for anything less than $49.00. :-))
Oct 12, 9:17pm
Wow, that is a good price, still $49.99 in Paper Plus and The Warehouse.
Oct 12, 9:18pm
Haha snap 245sam, typing at the same time!
Oct 12, 9:23pm
I know! I couldn't believe my luck! I drove up to Masterton late this morning with the intention of buying Simple Pleasures and was expecting to pay upwards of $49! Absolutely thrilled!
Oct 12, 9:35pm
Just being nosey here carlosjackal - whereabouts in the Wairarapa do you live! - obviously somewhere in South Wairarapa when you said that you drove "up to Masterton".We are hoping to retire to Featherston to be closer to our DD wholives there.:-))
Oct 12, 9:54pm
We are in Greytown - 20mins from Masterton and 10 minutes from Featherston. Great climate! (except for today! LOL) oh.and 1 hour exactly from Wellington CBD.
Oct 12, 11:42pm
Greytown is beautiful 245sam, gorgeous shops very village type town, you will love it if you moved there although it has become popular and think house prices have gone up a bit there, and as carlols said 'great' climate normally.not too good today here either but not as bad as they predicted and think the whole country has rain!
Oct 12, 11:44pm
Off track a bit there.what I meant to say was I will have to see if my SIL will grab me one at that price, nearly bought it today at the red shed for $49, I have the lemon coconut cake in the oven from one of the books not sure if its the 1st or 2nd, I dont have a 30cm tin so make it in a 25cm and get 9 cup cakes as well.
Oct 13, 2:02am
Oooooh.GOT to make that!
Oct 23, 12:14am
A big thank you to carlosjackal. Because of an impromptu decision and change re our Labour Weekend plans we were with our recuperating-from-surgery-daug- hter in Featherston and while we had special Mother-Daughter time my DH and our SIL went to Masterton, and as a result of your 'heads up' carlosjackal, re Annabel's book being 'on special' at Hedley's Bookshop I now have the book which my DH was able to get on Saturday for $39.99.:-))
Oct 23, 12:14am
A big thank you to you, carlosjackal. Because of an impromptu decision and change re our Labour Weekend plans we were with our recuperating-from-surgery daughter in Featherston and while we had special Mother-Daughter time my DH and our SIL went to Masterton, and as a result of your 'heads up' carlosjackal, re Annabel's book being 'on special' at Hedley's Bookshop, I now have the book which my DH was able to get on Saturday for $39.99.:-))
Oct 23, 4:47am
Excellent! That's great! I wonder why it was $39.99! - they sold me mine for $35 - still a real bargain though!
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