Butter contains Vit's A, D, E, K + B(traces). Also contains Calcium, Iodine, Magnesium, Potassium & Phosphorus. Compare that to a tub of Olivani.
Nov 12, 10:39am
Because it is better than totally artificial margarines and still tastes like butter, spreadable (but sorry to burst your bubble uli, we only use grain bread in this home), and cheaper than straight butter.I'm no purist when he comes to health, just like to provide my family with what I can grow and make that they all enjoy.
Nov 12, 2:14pm
I have a dairy intolerance so I use home made hummus, I whip it up so that its quite creamy and I am used to it now and can't imagine using anything else.Its not so nice on sweet things though and I have yet to find a substitute to have on a sweet scone.Any suggestions out there!
Nov 12, 3:07pm
Do you have a good recipe for dairy free scones!
Nov 12, 5:04pm
Umm - not sure what you mean with "grain" bread. All bread is made from grains, mostly wheat.
Nov 13, 1:51am
Whole grains and seeds.
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