Nigella Lawson's Domestic Goddess books.

toy_turbo, Oct 5, 5:40am
I was seaching on TM for this book that my mum wants and I was wondering - is there any difference between the one with the black cover and the one with the white cover! They have the same title but different printing dates, so I wondered if the white one is an update of the black one or does it have all new recipes!

buzzy110, Oct 5, 6:04am

Here is a link to the white covered book. You can look inside and see what is in it and there are a few recipes to tempt you.

davidt4, Oct 5, 6:05am
There are various editions, some for the US market, with imperial measurements (pints, cups, sticks of butter ,inches etc) and some for Europe with metric measurements (grams, millilitres, centimetres).I can't remember which is which, but the European one is much easier to use.The recipes are otherwise the same.

toy_turbo, Oct 5, 6:35am
Ok great, thank you! :-)