Help those with edmonds cook books

reb69, Jul 26, 12:22am
In the old book is a recipe for special toffee does anyone please have it? ? It isn't in the new edition

nana_gee, Jul 26, 12:51am
Here you go: Special Toffee.

2 breakfast cups of sugar; 2 tablespoons milk; 2 tablespoons butter; 1 tablespoon vinegar;
All ingredients into a pot and stir until boiling. Boil 30-40 minutes. Pour into a greased tin and mark when set.

nanasee1, Nov 30, 3:56pm
2 breakfast cups sugar
2 Tbsp butter
2 Tbsp Milk
1 Tbsp vinegar

Put all ingredients into a saucepan and stir until boiling. Boil 30 -40 minutes. Pour into a greased tin, mark when nearly set. Cut up and put in an airtight tin.
From a very old blue covered & tatty version of the Edmonds Book.