have a recipe for a cake, that you use 1/2 cup sour cream. I have 1/2 pottle of buttermik that needs using. do you think I could use that instead of sour cream. the recipe has either lemon or lime zest in it.
Sep 23, 2:24am
Yes I would give it a go, have often replaced itwith jog hurt, as I never buy sour crime. Seems to work
Sep 23, 3:40am
You could try it however the texture might be different. Use yoghurt if you have any. Make scones with the butter milk or pancakes.
Sep 23, 4:06am
Buttermilk is a lot thinner and more "tart" than sour cream.
Mar 20, 11:40pm
OMG this all rings so true. I had come to think that we had taken a wrong turn with my now 7 yo only child, that from an early age we had allowed oreselvus to be the cruise directors and entertainment providers of the weekends. We are trying now more to lower expectations and have him learn how to be bored. It's a very important skill! He's still up at 6 am on weekends and days when there is no school ready for all the fun stuff we may or may not have planned. And the second I show my yawning, blinking face, it's Mom, what are we going to do fun today? And, Can we have someone over today? It's good to hear many others have kids like this too!
Mar 23, 7:39pm
I have a different sttoaiiun going on in my house. My 9 year old is only interested in going outside to have Nerf wars with his friend, and actually gets upset if we have to leave the house. Makes it kind of rough when we do actually have things to do. We took him to Disney after school was out, as a celebration for getting good grades all year, and he actually complained that he would rather be home having a Nerf war. WTF, what kid complains about going to Disney?? Yay for low expecations I guess, takes the pressure off.
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