It has various spellings, including in Indonesiawhere it comes from.
It was always spelled Saté, when I had it years ago in Germany and the Netherlands, until recent years when it became popular in New Zealand and the US where people are monoglots and absolutely baffled by any spelling accents. (A Kapiti hairdresser calls itself De'viné, for pity's sake - three errors in one word.) Check out the alternative spellings in Wiktionary: and the history in Wiki:
Aug 16, 12:47am
Don't buy from the supermarket, they're always rip off.
Aug 16, 2:05pm
Things are always more expensive when they are out of season, although, in saying that, it is tamarillo season, yet Moore Wilson want $13.95 a kilo. New World has them at $9.95 per kilo, so it sometimes pays to shop around.
Aug 16, 2:30pm
Mid-winter prices are a shocker for lots of veges -fortunatelysome fruit like apples are in-season. Maybe we should go the German way and eat lots of saurkraut in winter!,
Aug 16, 3:33pm
I always check the price of things before I buy and then don't buy out of season. I rarely buy, cucumber, tomatoes or capsicum away from the summer - too pricey.
Aug 16, 4:01pm
Perhaps you should try growing your own and see what sort of crop you get in this weather. Then at least, there would be no middleman taking a cut.
Aug 16, 11:04pm
Last week I bought really good tamarillos at a local Four Square for $8 a kilo when the Countdown where I usually shop was asking somewhere around $16 or $17 !
Aug 16, 11:42pm
capsicums are apparently coming in from the netherlands, we can't import the australian ones at the moment for some reason.
Aug 16, 11:59pm
I get mine from New World and they have been beautiful juiced with Granny Smith Apple and green pear.yum.
Aug 16, 11:59pm
iman007, could you share your recipe, please. Thanks
Aug 18, 12:01am
Just got green capsicums from Pak n save for 69c haven't had them for ages
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