Whenever I cook mince I always drain all the liquid off the mince (after cooking) let it cool (in fridge) and then take all the fat off the top.It's the only way I can eat mince.Anyone else do this!
Aug 20, 7:35pm
Yes, but I rarely buy mince these days.Looked at it yesterday in Countdown.$15 kg for the ordinary fatty stuff, $18 kg for the better quality stuff.Yikes.
Aug 20, 7:37pm
there is no fat in our mince
Aug 20, 7:41pm
just buy the premium low fat mince.
Aug 20, 7:50pm
Lol, never buy Meat at Countdown unless its on special, Countdown has great specials on Good Quality Mince, and those specials frequently come up as well.
Aug 20, 7:52pm
I buy the good quality mince, brown it off - then I put my frypan on a bowl one side putting it on an angle and then use a teaspoon to scoop up any additional fat. With a good batch of good quality mince, sometimes there isn't any to speak off.The best I had was mad butcher of all places. there was nothing to scoop off.
Aug 20, 8:15pm
Cool! No, I just drain it then add the rest of the ingredients and continue cooking.
Aug 20, 8:42pm
Sadly unless I want to travel miles and miles, Countdown is the only place here to buy meat, so I stock up on whatever is on special, and freeze it, and only buy on special, so we might have a stock of chicken breasts in the freezer, along with some vacuum packed corned beef, and some rump steak.Other than that, it's the same old same old until something different comes on special.Fortunately we never seem to tire of chicken breasts (and if I'm near a New World and they have shoulder chops at a good price, then I stock up on them too)
Aug 20, 8:47pm
I have a mincer and whenever I see topside or bolar on special I will buy big and mince half of it usually the problem I find is not enough fat if you do it that way. The other thing is the taste is actually beef rather than beef with whatever else was in the scrap bin at the time.
Aug 20, 8:55pm
I used to have to remove fat from mince (& a lot of other stuff) when I was pregnant otherwise it (just the fat) came straight back up. I was fine once the cling-on became a seperate entity.
Aug 20, 9:20pm
It's better to buy Premium mince in the long run. Although it is dearer it is very low in fat. If you use ordinary mince and drain the meat after cooking, you are also draining all the meat juices aswell as the fat. Truly, you are better off buying premium quality mince - if you find it's too dear then forego buying something else on you shopping list just to make it worthwhile.
Aug 20, 9:27pm
I only ever buy premium mince ( for the odd time I use it) it does ot have as much fat in it. i dont ever worry about draining it all off though as there is usually very little.
Aug 20, 10:17pm
do you know mince contains minced heart and other offal etc!
Aug 20, 10:45pm
wellifitdoesitshouldstateon thelabel
Aug 20, 10:49pm
And why is that a problem!
Aug 20, 11:16pm
Premium mince is minced lean meat - not heart and offal.
Aug 20, 11:40pm
i think not
Aug 20, 11:48pm
`I love mince but i buy topside and cut any fat off it and mince it myself, really lovely.
Aug 21, 12:39am
I used to do this when I had the time (oh, if only I had that time again), but now I try not to buy the stuff with lots of fat in it.My son LOVES anything with mince though, so we do have mince quite a bit.
Aug 21, 1:45am
i have watched a butcher mince it up and put in his window as beef mince, you go figure why, , i guess its to use up cheaper cuts, and i dont spose hes lying when he says its beef mince eh!
Aug 21, 1:48am
So you saw one butcher do it and now say they all do! When! Where! Try another butcher.
Aug 21, 1:53am
That's unheard of! He shouldn't be a butcher if that's what he does with heart and offal. Must be a "back-yard" butcher!
Aug 21, 1:57am
I do the same, cook the mince, leave in fridge overnight, take fat off top.If I have to use it straight away, I let it sit 10 mins for the fat to rise to the top, then blot it with 6 layers or so of kitchen paper.It gets most of the fat.
And that's using lowfat mince.
Aug 21, 2:12am
I am really fussy with mince and choose where I buy it from, and always buy topside.which is damn expensive, but I still use the same method as you do. If I have to use it straight away, I stick the saucepan in the sink with ice cubes or frozen slicker pads, so that the fat sets or rises to scoop it off. If making lasagna orusing browned mince I tilt the pan and strain or blot the fat off.
Aug 21, 2:43am
Thats what I am saying Kuaka.- don't buy Mince at countdown when its full price - You always seem to quote full price when talking about countdowns meatwhich we all know is expensive - It's simple, wait till countdown specials mince, which it does quite regularly and stock up.I never buy full price countdown meat as its expensive, but when its on special not too bad. a price.
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