Are they at the norm supermarkets! Or just online! Are they very low carbs! tia :-)
Jul 22, 4:37am
Well I just brought some about 30 mins ago from New World.
Jul 22, 4:38am
hi when hubby was on sure slim we got them at new world not sure if they still have them but worth a look.
Jul 22, 5:05am
I think new world are the only ones that sell them.
Jul 22, 6:24am
Hardys health shops or whatever they're called sell them as well as New World
Jul 22, 6:28am
countdown Manukau had some today as I almost brought them
Jul 22, 7:17am
Pac and save have them also, coz I've just bought them from there.
Jul 22, 7:44am
hey thats good to know thanks - whats the grams per 100 of carbs!
Jul 22, 8:57pm
New world has them. Not sure about countdown though. They are near the deli at My supermarket
Jul 22, 9:13pm
56g for the white wheat wraps
Jul 22, 9:50pm
Most of the mountain bread are around 13-14 grams of carbs. Google mountain bread and the Aussie site will come up. Chantal wholefoods in Napier bring them in. I get mine from Moore Wilson and some New World stores have them. I will be loading up when we go to Aussie as they are only about $2.50 AUD per pack there.
Jul 22, 10:14pm
Sarahb5, I think you are talking about ordinary wraps here. The white wraps in Mountain Bread are only about 14 grams per slice. On Sureslim, you are allowed two of these per day.
Jul 22, 10:15pm
There is a new one with chia seeds which may not be out here yet, but I would be avoiding it as it is high in carbs ( as opposed to the others)
Jul 22, 10:34pm
The poster asked how many carbs per 100g so 56g is correct - each wrap is only 25g so 14g of carbs per wrap
Jul 22, 10:39pm
Oh, sorry, didn't see that
Jul 22, 10:49pm
No worries - they are 2 ProPoints each on Weight Watchers but I don't buy them often because I'm the only one who eats them and I find they dry out and break too easily if I keep them in the freezer.I buy the Farrah wraps instead which are 6 ProPoints but only have half at a time.
Jul 22, 10:54pm
They last a long time out of the freezer. I just keep them in the bread bin. The only time I have problems is if I freeze them. They are fabulous with melted cheesen sauteed red nion and tomato.all popped under the grill. They are the only bread we eat now.
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