another roast question lol. Do you usually roast your meat amongst your veges in the same roasting tray! Do the veges go soggy though from the meat juices! Ta
Jun 21, 8:05pm
Well first of all as I'm sure you know they dont take as long to cook as the meat does. I've never had them go soggy yet. Do tun them though so they get nice colour all over.
Jun 21, 8:07pm
Yes and no, yes I do roast the veges in with the meat sometimes and No they don't go soggy however they can be crisper if done seperately in a hotter oven they can be tastier though when done with the meat.
If doing a large roast then I rest the roast in tinfoil while I roast the pre boiled veges in the oven and make gravy on bench top.
Jun 21, 8:23pm
Yes, I do and no, I dont have them go soggy. While the meat is resting, I turn the heat up a little to crisp them.
Jun 21, 8:29pm
Sometimes i roast veg with meat also, they colour up good and don't go soggy. However if doing a big roast for the family i do them seperately, zap them first for 2-3 mins toss in oil and sprinkle with seasonings, last 20 mins when meat comes out, turn oven up on to fan bake turn once, and have nice crunchy roasties the kids all like.
Jun 21, 8:36pm
For my leg of lamb I roast lamb straight on the racks with roasting pan underneath to catch juices and add Vegas to that. Not soggy
Jun 21, 8:47pm
I use a rack within my roasting tin - the meat sits on that and the veggies roast in the tray.No problem with sogginess and I do the same as cookessentials - even an extra 10 minutes seems to make a difference especially if they're in the oven on their own and close to the top, ie. the hottest part.Then I remove the veggies to plate up and use the gravy to deglaze the roasting pan.I then strain the gravy back into the jug thus avoiding any "floaty bits" .
Jan 10, 11:47pm
Thanks for inidtrucong a little rationality into this debate.
Jan 13, 7:58am
First i need to shop...then i will wrap my little heart out! :)I am a bit of a sleackr in the christmas shopping department....But it's just cuz i am so darn picky about what i get for people.and then dont even get me started on the's just as much fun as the gift itself!thank you for the Inspiration!
Jan 14, 4:03am
No snow here yet...possibly Saturday. It's fine with me this year. Last year we had 2 blizzards and snow was on the gnurod for most of the winter. This is Kansas, not Minnesota!! So, I'll be OK till it decides to finally snow :) Cheers!
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