1 x 400g can Craigs* Chickpeas in Brine 1 &1/2 Tb Extra Virgin Olive Oil Juice of 1 &1/2 Med Size Lemons 2 Cloves Garlic Chopped 1/4 Cup Water Salt to taste Drain chickpeas and put into a blender with the other ingredients and give a good whizz. Keep in fridge. And its yum. Craigs brand are best for texture also I found other brands must have had less chickpeas when drained and 1/4 cup water had to be reduced a little.
Jun 22, 1:54am
It is so much easier to use a can, until my vegetarian neighbour told me she cooks up a whole batch in the crockpot, and puts in freezer bags.
except of course I never remember to take the bag out of the freezer.
Jun 22, 1:57am
i love hummus, especially garlic hummus :) Its great with an antipasto
Jun 22, 2:17am
That's all I do but without the water added.
Jun 22, 3:27am
Wildflower. I found I needed water to get the correct texture. It is certainly cheaper making your own.
Jun 22, 3:51am
can add curry powder for real flavour
Jun 22, 4:48am
I just use the chickpeas straight from the freezer into the food processor.That way it is already chilled too - all ready to use.
Also far nicer using chickpeas you have cooked yourself than the tinned ones.
Jun 22, 5:11am
Sounds delish dalkemade - will try it.
Jun 22, 6:07pm
Bit of tahini added to this is good,I just crush up a tsp of sesame seeds in the mortar and pestle and add a bit of olive oil to it- too expensive in the shops to buy.
Jun 22, 7:07pm
tsp or two of peanut butter works too.
Jun 22, 11:21pm
I've never used tahini because of the price.I do have sesame seeds though.Recipe I use had cayenne pepper but I never had any first time I made it so left it out and have done since.I grow garlic too so makes it so much cheaper than buying ready made hummus:)
Jun 23, 1:58am
Good with peanut butter and cooked pumpkin and curry powder added.
Jun 23, 5:22am
Thanks for thoughts on some of the additives but I wanted to keep it simple and it does taste very good the way it is.
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