What to make from Leftover home made chicken soup?
Jul 3, 5:47am
Am all chicken souped out but don't want to waste it.I removed the chicken pieces and blended the vege (carrots, celery, onions) into a tasty creamy soup which we ate with the chopped up bits of chicken added back in.Was delicious but have had enough of that.So what can I make with it!I like the idea of a chicken curry!Or a creamy chicken pasta!
Any recipe ideas!
Jul 3, 6:07am
Jul 3, 6:10am
janny3, your idea of a chicken curry or creamy chicken pasta would IMO be suitable alternative uses for the leftover chicken soup but as you enjoyed the soup so much, my personal preference would actually be to freeze the soup so that at some later time that taste sensation can be looked forward to and enjoyed again .:-))
Jul 3, 11:51am
Good idea.Blended roasted pumpkin into the liquor so will do as you suggest & freeze the pumpkin soup.;)
Jul 3, 12:36pm
Chicken pie!
Jul 3, 1:59pm
Chinese chicken and corn soup!Chicken & leeks pie!
Jul 4, 2:55am
You could thinly slice and layer potatoes and pour the soup over and bake, or make a frittata.
Jul 8, 4:05pm
Oh thanks for all those ideas.I love potato bakes any time.Or pasta chicken bakes too.The pie or quiche would be another way not to waste the food.I never thought of a fritata.So glad I asked.I ate the pumpkin soup made from the liquid and froze the solids so now to decide.THANKS again everyone.
Jul 9, 6:16am
add some cornflour to thicken it up and make a delicious chicken pie.either top with mashed spuds and a sprinkle of cheese and bake, or use a pastry.thats what i do when ive had enough of the soup :)
Jul 9, 6:19am
I would freeze it down for cold night when you feel like it!
Jul 9, 6:59am
Yum, what a good idea!
Jul 9, 7:43am
freeze it and have it another day
Jul 11, 12:25am
Oh good.I made Chinese Chicken & Corn soup too.But next time will try to make a bottomless pie with potato topping seems the way to go as well as the potato bake.THANKS everyone!
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