Made feijoa and date cake but did it in a loaf tin so no lemon icing, yum half eaten already by family who don't like feijoas _my secret
May 15, 11:34pm
Feijoa wine anybody got a good recipe for this would be great thanks.
May 16, 12:13am
Made kennymac's cake on P1 that was very tasty, am cooling Wheelz ( via kennymac) recipe from another thread. Looking forward to trying, it certainly smells divine.
May 16, 1:01am
I prefer Kennymac'sfejoa cake recipe on P1, nice simple and basic ingreds and nicer without the baking soda. And I added walnuts.
May 16, 1:10am
Just found this thread but haven't got time to read through the whole thing to see if anyone can suggest the best feijoa tree for the Manawatu region. Hubby and daughter love feijoas I hate them so we've decided to plant a couple or 3 trees on our lifestyle block, anyone have any suggestions of best variety for this area and where's the best place to attain said variety specimen plant!Next month my son and his g/f and my grand daughter are coming to stay for her 1st birthday and as I have her placenta in my freezer awaiting to be planted under a tree I thought why not the feijoa tree.I know I know probably too gross for some of you lol
May 16, 6:33am
Made an Orange Feijoa cake today and it was so nice.If anyone wants the recipe, let me know.
May 16, 11:36pm
roxursox, if you ask in the Gardening & DIY forum someone there is sure to be able to help you with which species of feijoa is best for your area.
May 17, 1:01am
I prefer Kennymac'sfejoa cake recipe on P1, nice simple and basic ingreds and nicer without the baking soda. And I added walnuts.
May 18, 3:10pm
Thanks for this post Glen.Tried it out and it turned out well.How long can I keep the juice in the fridge, or do I need to freeze it?TIA
May 19, 8:03am
I make feijoa crumble, it's not too bad. But i'm over them now... we have 16 trees so i've been giving them away plus feeding them to a friends pig.
May 19, 3:10pm
Thanks for this post Glen.Tried it out and it turned out well.How long can I keep the juice in the fridge, or do I need to freeze it!TIA
May 20, 8:03am
I make feijoa crumble, it's not too bad. But i'm over them now. we have 16 trees so i've been giving them away plus feeding them to a friends pig.
May 20, 9:02pm
bump Just been given a box of these by my neighbour. Going to make chutney etc as soon as I find some more jars!
May 21, 4:44am
Freezing feijoas Hi,Ii just scoop the pulp into ice-cream containers and freeze.When I want to use just take out what I require.if you tap the containers when they are half frozen you can free flow them.I make cakes amd cheesecakes with them.Wynn Drabble from Havelock North has published a book of feijoa recipes.In last sunday's Star Times there was also a recipe for a Feijoa Cake.
May 21, 8:22pm
4 kg feijoas 2kg suger,yeast neutrient 5g per 5 ltrs .Kitchen wizz feijoas skins pulp the lot and put in large 20l beer making tub add nuetrient and yeast and juice of 1 lemon 1 cup of strong cold tea (not tea bag).Keep at 20degrees untill air lock or wine stopped bubbling syphone off and keep in cool place for 1 week then bottle how many you want in beer bottles with on eteaspoon of suger cap and leave in a warmplace for at least 2 weeks.This makes sparkling wine.Remainder bottle in wine bottles and leave in a cool place.I do this every year.Sparkling wine comes out like fejoa champagne very tasty and smelling strongly of feijoas.Still wine ends up like a very dry chardionnay.If you prefer a sweeter wine as the must is fermenting and only a few bubbles are passing,add a campden tablet then bottle.Longer you leave it the better it gets,that's if you can lol
May 22, 12:49am
Sorry fruitluva2 for the delay
Feijoa & Orange Cake 100g butter, 1/2 cup sugar, 1 tablsp golden syrup, 1 egg, 1 teasp baking soda, 2 tablsp hot water, 13/4 cups flour, 2 teasp baking powder, 1 cup feijoa pulp, juice & rind 1 orange, 4 tablsp brown sugar.
Process butter & sugar until creamy. Add syrup and egg, beat well. Mix b/soda inwater and add to mixture and mix. Add flour, b/powder, orange rind and feijoa pulp and mix lightly.Put into prepd cake pan and bake @ 180C for 40 mins.Dissolve b/sugar in orange juice and spoon over cake after 40 mins baking, return to oven and bake a further 15 mins. I usually bake this in a 20cm ring pan or sometimes in swiss roll tin and then cut into squares.
May 24, 1:58am
Thanks kennymac for the great feijoa cake receipe!have just made it today and it is really yummy and will be making this again!Thanks again!
May 26, 6:01pm
Ginger & Feijoa Cake 500g peeled and chopped feijoas, 2-3 Tbsp chopped crystalised ginger, 125g butter, 3/4 cup raw sugar, 1 1/2 cups flour, 1tsp baking soda, 1tsp baking powder, 1tsp cinnamon, 1/2tsp ginger, 1/2tsp nutmeg. Melt the butter in a largish pot. Add feijoas and sugar and cook till sugar is dissolved. Allow to cool. Sift together the dry ingredients and mix the feijoas into them. Add the crystalised ginger and pour into a greased ring pan. 180deg for about 40 minutes
May 27, 5:59am
Just posted an Orange Feijoa Cake recipe in other thread.This is a lovely moist cake, no need to ice this one either.
May 27, 1:32pm
Feijoa Mousse. Copied from here awhile ago FEIJOA MOUSSE - 500g feijoas peeled, 3 tablespoons lime juice, 1/2 cup sugar, gelatine, 4 eggs, Almond oil, Soak the gelatine in cold water and then dissolve it in a small amount of hot water. Blend the feijoas with the lime juice. Strain, mix with the gelatine and cool for 10 minutes. Now blend again or whisk by hand. In another bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff, and then add the sugar and the yolks. Place this in a pan, which has been lightly coated with sweet almond oil, and fold the feijoas into the mixture. Cool until it sets.
May 27, 2:00pm
The neighbours have a tree It drops them everywhere on our side.. I hate them they taste like MEDICINE!!!
May 27, 9:55pm
Still going strong. bump.
May 28, 2:00pm
The neighbours have a tree It drops them everywhere on our side. I hate them they taste like MEDICINE!
May 29, 12:30am
Can feijoas just be stewed like apples! And put into containers in the freezer.
May 29, 1:16am
Yes. you don't need to add sugar. Only if you want to.
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