Just heard a media commentator say that what could be causing the so-called obesity epidemic is the plethora of cooking programmes on TV ;)
Apparently there's an entire designated channel on Sky!
Jul 16, 2:28am
It should be one contestant cooking against one chef, or if there are 3 contestants win a challenge, they should all get immunity.
Jul 16, 2:32am
I'm with you on this one. She didn't deserve it.
Jul 16, 2:32am
I agree, tonight Mindy won on the back of the other two as her dish was disappointing, not very fair.
Jul 16, 2:40am
I'm another who thinks like you, carlosjackal - Mindy has the Immunity Pin yet she didn't make either of the two dishes that won her that Pin.:-))
Jul 16, 3:23am
I have that very same thought creeping up on me bj.a 'bit too good to be true' sorta lady, and unfair immunity pin tonight too - Audra had no reward whatsoever for her wonderful dish.
Jul 16, 4:04am
I thought it was unfair too.Actually I think it's a silly way to do it. One on one is much fairer.
Jul 16, 5:56am
But Audra ( who is an amazing chef) didn't win the right to challenge.
I think the set up is flawed. It should be one on one, not three on three
Jul 16, 6:58am
I'm offshore for the winter now - missing the shows and the gos.
Jul 17, 12:52am
A question regarding the well known chefs - do you really think that the contestants know them by name, and by face or if they have been seriously prepped by the show organises!(I suppose there could be lots of cooking magazines lying round the house to prompt them).
They always look extemely excited by Every announcement of a visiting chef.It makes sense to know Maggie Beir (sp!), Donna Hay etc but some of the other chefs, with the contestants being from such a wide background, food education, experience.it just doesn't seem likely!
Jul 17, 1:20am
It's interesting you mention this - I had wondered the very same thing; considering they are all (at this stage of the competition) just amateur cooks, it surprises me that each time a guest chef is introduced, virtually all of the contestants are extremely excited, star struck and in awe. It just amazes me that they are all so familiar with guest chefs that are not very familiar by name to the majority of us.or maybe they are, and I'm just plain ignorant!
Jul 17, 1:23am
I guess that they will be well known nationally and if you are a foody you would know who they are.I'm sure that the contestants are also well prepped especially for the cameras too.
Jul 17, 3:29am
I agree with all that you say there.
I find myself yearining for the day they will look at each other in puzzlement and say "who on earth is this chef they are talking about".
Wll; briefed!Of course they are, imo -I find it a bit put- offing quite honestly!
Jul 17, 3:29am
I agree with all that you say there.
I find myself yearining for the day they will look at each other in puzzlement and say "who on earth is this chef they are talking about".
Well briefed!Of course they are, imho -I find it a bit put- offing quite honestly!
Jul 17, 3:31am
I think I meant off-putting
Jul 17, 4:37am
It was interesting that the blue team got more money because they introduced their food, their sponsors.
As a fundraiser for school, it think it connects people to those who have already made their contribution
Jul 17, 5:17pm
I know it was down to the amount donated that decided the winning team, and even without the hefty $20,000 donation the blue team would still have won, but really, is it a fair way to judge a team! The way they've judged team challenges before is by way of counting blue/red chips - a lot less biased.
Jul 17, 5:46pm
You want them to be more ignorant than they really are!Why!
I don't find it hard to believe that they know the top-end chefs in Sydney - I recognise almost all of them either by name or by face, and most so far have appeared on Masterchef in previous series.
Jul 17, 8:21pm
I'm sure you do david4-but then you are a genuine foodie, I'm merely sometimes a good cook and chefs are not my heroes or role models or whatever.
I don't want them to appear ignorant in the least - that's a strange interpretation to put on my post.To make myself more clear I would say that their excitement is so fulsome that imho only it appears to be quite false.I stressimho!
Jul 17, 9:15pm
Yes I agree - if it was to be on donations, then all the diners should have given the same amount, to be shared out as they wish.The $20,000 was ridiculous, compared to about $12K from all the others.
Jul 17, 10:31pm
I don't have a problem with the way the challenge was judged.
The charity is about changing life'sand that was done by raising money.the blue team inspired their donners (or as Miss eight called them yesterday "their donuts"!)
Take away the $20K donation, and the blue team still won by 100% more donations
Jul 18, 5:19am
loving the show so far.i always get emotional at end when someone is eliminated and see the reaction of the guys back at base camp when they realise who is gone. poor armina .with tk gone. ;-(
Jul 18, 6:12am
Why was it ridiculous! Someone went there with $20k to donate to a charity they believe in. They could have split it between a number of dishes, or done what they did - put the money on the dish they thought was the best of the day.
They did not include the $20k donation in the results initially, and it would've been a miracle for the red team to have gotten that donation, when their total was so much less than the blue team's.
The idea was to raise funds for Oz Harvest. If all the food was crap, the guests would've been disappointed and possibly given nothing, but donated at another stage.
Toadfish is raising funds for the Breast Cancer Foundation. I won the apron for a different amount than what I paid her. Why! Because I had been willing to pay more than what I'd won it for, so thought it only fair to pay that. To me, that's no different. I just don't have $20k to donate to any worthwhile cause, but I'll give what I can to some.
If I win an auction for less than an autobid, I'll pay what I won it for - I ain't totally stoopid, I just think charity auctions are different, so long as I believe in the charity and trust the person ;)
I also don't think that smaller donations diminish anything from the person giving - every little bit helps and it all adds up.
With tonight, it seemed strange that TK went home to mom, dad and brother and not a group of friends. But the meal made my mouth water (what the family was eating) lol.
My mum was trying to help a family out with food. Mum got her nose out of joint when the person came back and said the biscuits weren't good enough, there was not the right coffee and they also needed smokes. Mum then wrote the family off and never helped them again. Fair enough. Charities should be the same - anything is better than nothing and especially when it's from the heart :)
hehe, on a side note if you've read that waffle, to me, this series is showing the judges so much more relaxed than previously. I'm loving the series, even if it doesn't always inspire. Was gutted when I went to watch it & worked out the recorder was full and I had to delete some crapola, but in the meantime had missed taping tonight's episode (TG for on demand, I could watch and then open this thread lol).
Jul 18, 6:15am
Ooops, further to the waffle above, the one thing to remember, is some of the guests were some of the chefs that had been asked for food donations for the meal. Could've been the chef that gave the kingfish offcuts that did the big donation - stoked how well they'd done with what he'd given them (or something like that, no idea who the guests were but they mentioned that some of the chefs they'd seen that day were there).
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