Ready to roll for another week. It starts earlier too - 4.45!
Jun 25, 12:06am
oOH, Just loving it, can taste that duck already!
Jun 25, 1:59am
So many delicious-looking dishes tonight.
Jun 25, 2:02am
I can strongly recommend Pomme Dauphines. I have been cooking them for about 20 years, when visitors come for dinner, always go down a treat, yummy!
Jun 25, 2:34am
It is a new series - how strange to run two series back to back.
Jun 25, 3:19am
What time is it nfh!
Jun 25, 3:31am
2.00 pm everyday except Sunday, sometimes the episodes are longer than others - well the first series was anyway.
Jun 25, 5:24am
Strebor, do you need two people to make them! I'm guessing I could use a standard pot of oil as I don't have a deep fryer (something about getting fed up cleaning the darned thing and we don't really eat deep fried foods anyway).
Jun 25, 11:23pm
I usually get hubby to beat the mix for me with the wooden spoon, a lot of elbow grease makes the mix nice and light, and the lighter the better. You can always fry them in oil in the frying pan if you don't want to deep fry them. We don't eat a lot of fried food, as it sticks to the ribs! but once in a while is alright. They are so yummy.
Jun 26, 1:14am
Weren't they all wonderful!I used to make Pommes Dauphine a lot when I was learning to cook, and it's one of the dishes I miss now that I don't eat wheat or vegetable oils.But that warm vinaigrette on the beef would make up for a lot
Jun 26, 1:38am
DT4 - have you eaten at that chef's restaurant in Melbourne! I didn't catch the name - Bistro something! I don't mean Jacques Reymond from tonight. In the masterclass there was a brief appearance from a French chef.
Jun 26, 1:47am
Gosh it was great tonight, I am already starting to pick out a few favourites, so it will be interesting to follow them.
Jun 26, 1:48am
With the Pomme Dauphines I don't muck around with a piping bag, I like them to be a bit bigger, and I drop spoonfuls of them into the oil.
Jun 26, 2:27am
I didn't catch the name either.
Jun 26, 2:30am
It's quite easy to do with two teaspoons or two dessertspoons.I don't see the point of faffing around with a piping bag, because the little beignets puff up unevenly anyway and will not come out uniform in shape.I assume the piping bag was introduced to help educate the contestants.
Yes it just looked flash, but who wants little skinny pommes anyway. Mine are big enough to get your teeth into.
Jun 26, 5:06pm
I was so sorry to see Yukio go.He was lovely.
Yeah, I know the competition is meant to be about cooking skills not personality, but he made me laugh.
Jun 27, 2:01am
Gosh a few buckling under pressure tonight. Definitely getting some favourites, but I guess at this stage it is anyone's.That "immunity" challenge not "ammunity" as they keep saying, is going to beTOUGH.
Jun 27, 4:15pm
Last night I made George's warm vinaigrette to serve with beef sirloin.I had to use ordinary anchovies instead of white ones, and the tomato was a pale hot-house one,but it was really delicious.
Jun 27, 10:05pm
Enjoying Celebrity Masterchef - thanks for alerting me to it.
Jun 28, 12:00am
Like these immunity challenges, especially the blind tastings.
Jun 28, 12:06am
Excellent - yesterday I watched two Celebrity ones, one Oz one and the Junior one which I had recorded, whilst sorting out a mountain of paperwork!
Jun 28, 1:00am
That Autralian MC contestant that keeps crying is incredibly annoying.
Jun 28, 1:01am
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