That's what I have been doing, and reading that same blog on the Sydney Morning Herald site as the series, which has been extremely entertaining.
Sep 23, 2:16am
It was really interesting watching Andy's slow development through the show. Lovely guy - and I hope he has a bright future as a chef. I like his judgement and he obviously has a good palate.
Sep 23, 2:39am
I SO enjoyed the finale. just saw it today, as I recorded it on mysky.Thank GOODNESS I hadn't read this thread before, with the spoiler in it. I purposely avoided the whole MB in the last few days, as I knew someone would spoil it!
I was WRAPT that Andy won. he really deserved it, a great all-rounder and nice guy.I honestly thought Julia was a bit smug, although a good cook .
Sep 23, 4:54am
The Grand Finale was just brilliant.enjoyed it so much and very glad to see Julia and Audra get a prize too(Runner up and 2nd Runner Up!). Well done all 3 of them. I noticed Mindy that night didn't look too happy.perhaps she was thinking.".that should have been me!"!
Andy was my favourite contestant right from the start - I really liked his demeanour.very methodical.always very focussed, you could almost see ime thinking. He has come such a long way (I know they all have) but I think he really earned the title. Go Andy!
Sep 23, 5:08am
Good on Andy for winning You deserve it .
Sep 24, 12:25am
This All Stars series is lots of fun. I really like the dark grey plates they are using. Does anyone know the brand!
Sep 24, 12:31am
yep. Im recording that one too. Its very different from the NZ and Aus ones.Im glad that asian boy went. he was rude re the blind lady.
Oh and good on Andy for winning.I agree what was Audra (was that her name!) thinking with the cold salad when the judges clearly said hot entree.
Vera Wang crockery is beautiful and very expensive in NZ - Smith & Caughey stocked it last time i looked.
I've in the past had a few charcoal grey plates and they were very flattering to food.They are all chipped now alas.
Sep 24, 5:48pm
I watched the USA one last night for the first time. My god they are feral! WOW!
Sep 24, 11:41pm
I have just watched the final, had it set to record as I have been away and knew I wouldn't be able to watch it. Yes, I managed to see it through to the end without some dipstick telling me who the winner was. Go Andy, a well deserved win. And yes I did come in here to read others thoughts on the program and saw the deleted post from that#$@%^%$person whospoiled it for a lot of you. Thank god it had been deleted. There always has to be a fly in the ointment doesn't there. (I'm being very polite here) ;-oWonder why some people have to ruin others enjoyment, scratches head.
Sep 25, 12:41am
No disrespect to the Americans, but they really are a breed of there own! Some of the contestants are so egotisical, loud, selfish, vindictive and darn right rude - nothing like the contestants of masterchef Australia, UK or New Zealand. Maybe that's why Gordon Ramsay and the other two judges appear quite "brutal" in their honesty with some of the contestants! They (the contestants) seem to only understand one type of communication!
That said though, there are one or two contestants on the US masterchef who I enjoy watching.for example the blind lady - Christine.she is incredibly talented.
Sep 26, 3:10pm
I have so got into the All Stars Masterchef show now, didn't care for it much the first few shows but now I am addicted!It is so good seeing the old favourites.
Sep 26, 4:16pm
Me too! LOLed at the utter chaos in the MC kitchen last night, was the most fun watching the ice cream/dry ice fiasco. Good TV.
Sep 26, 9:42pm
Kumar is such a lovely person. They looked like they were having a ball last night. I, too, didn't expect to enjoy this All Stars series much but it is interesting.
Sep 26, 9:58pm
Yes it is interesting. I like Marion and Kate also. I think they are really good cooks.
Sep 26, 10:59pm
i remember Danni drove me nuts last time with crying all the time, hope she has grown up a bit since then.
Sep 27, 12:21am
Her lychee toffee apple type things on sticks the other night were stunning. She has a great imagination.I am enjoying the show more than I did at the start, it is good.
Sep 27, 2:40pm
I've only watched the first two episodes of All Stars so far and love it. It's neat to see them all having a bit of fun and being able to raise money for their charities.It must be harder for the ones that have been out of the MC kitchen for longer.Is there no eliminations but a final winner at the end!
Sep 27, 4:17pm
Hayden is so sexy! Num num num!
Sep 27, 7:07pm
I wonder when they start sending people home! I notice they showed that video clip of Hayden wandering off to sell sausages on the beach, in his speedos!
Sep 27, 10:23pm
I was wondering that too! (when they start sending people home)
haha when i saw Hayden in his speedos i was like.D U D Eway tooooo skimpy! :p
He serves this at his Aria restaurant. I went to awedding reception there and this tart was one of the desserts. Very delicious!
Sep 28, 1:07am
All four desserts looked wonderful, I would be very happy to have anyone of them dished up to me.a very kind gesture of Julie to Poh, tears were swelling up in my eyes listening to Pohs charity, how sad.
Sep 28, 2:27am
I see eliminations start next week. For a wee while I thought they just might have challenges and win money for their charity and the Allstar winner is the one who won the most money.not to be - oh well, roll on next week.
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