Wow!I'll bet the hot flushes were running rampant during that episode.
Deb doesn't seem popular and I reckon someone got it right saying she isn't really a team player, which is why she is last to be chosen every time.But at least she doesn't try to be "little miss popularity" as some of them do meaning Mindy, Audra and occasionally Julia. I just love Kylie and I do like Alice too - but she has yet to really shine.Andy is eye candy, yum, and seems a nice bloke to boot. Just my opinions!
Aug 28, 10:46pm
I figure Deb is not popular after she threw Mindy under the bus after a losing team challenge ages ago and everyone learnt from that incident that she is not a team player. I too think that blaming things on menopause is a cop out,but I do like her flavours and food that she puts up.
Aug 29, 1:15am
WOW! Andy has really proved he's a dark horse! Good on him! Sad though to see Amina and Jules go.
Looking forward to seeing some really amazing Italian cooking!
Aug 29, 2:17am
Agree with you jaygee, I do not think she is a team player at all.I also think it was so bad tonight that she remained in top ten and the only thing she cooked was - toast the bread.Everyone else actually cooked. Think it is pretty bad really.Two good cooks have gone home and you can see the others are trying to ignore her, sad but still it was her own doing.
Aug 29, 2:32am
I thought Amina would be in the final three. Wow, she has gone.
Aug 29, 2:34am
Debra is a very good cook, she had a right to be peed off last night.The rest of them treat her horribly, they are all buddy buddy and leave her out.Bullying comes to mind. Like been back at school for gods sake. Why is Alice still there, she is not a terribly good cook, why is Julia there, she can only cook desserts/cakes, Ben can only cook Mexican.Debra fully deserves her place in the final ten.
Aug 29, 2:59am
I don't think she is being bullied lodgelocum - Debra has kept pretty much to herself from day 1 of the competition and maybe that's because she is quite simply NOT a team player. She is an excellent cook but perhaps she feels left out because of the age difference! Who knows.!
Aug 29, 3:18am
I don't really like to be personal about them, and I neither like or dislike any of them more than the others. It should be about cooking, not personalities. I am sad to say I have become addicted to it, as a person very interested in food and cooking. I just loved seeing Marco there tonight and am really looking forward to Italy next week. It will remind me of eating a Pizza in Naples, one of the things all foodies are supposed to do. Can't wait.
Aug 29, 3:29pm
Gosh, Amina is gone - I didn't see that coming, although my husband reckons she'd been a bit wavery in confidence of late. Did they show Amina and Jules arriving home and give the updates on what they're doing now!I love that part and can't remember seeing it last night (menopause eh! lol) Roll on Italy! :)
Aug 29, 4:32pm
No, they didn't show Amina and Jules arriving home.
I think Amina's judgement was off when she decided a) to use bottled passata instead of fresh tomatoes and b) to make a rice pudding without enough time to cook it properly.And she didn't seem to be able to broaden her range of food beyond her own ethnicity.
Aug 29, 6:12pm
Totally agree DT4. There are a few like that still left.
Aug 30, 1:36am
Anyone fancy the cauli and white chocolate ice cream!Not me, that's for sure.
Aug 30, 1:56am
I could have devoured one of Gary's delightful little dinky pies but cauli and chocolate!Not my taste at all!But then I am not a chocoholic!
davidt4-as one of the most experienced foodies on here - had you ever heard of making pastry with sour cream!I am going to give it a whirl I think.And the ratio of the flour and butter were interesting - 200g butter and 250g butter.That's if I heard it correctly.
Aug 30, 4:11am
Sour cream pastry is, as far as I can remember, a Scandinavian thing.I haven't made pastry now for a few years, but I always made a very plain short pastry using 400g flour, 240g butter,120 ml chilled water, and it was excellent.
I think the sour cream pastry is more forgiving of overworking, asGary and his helper worked it in the processor way beyond the stage that was necessary to bring the dough together.It looked very soft and crumbly to me.
Maggie Beer has appeared on Masterchef quite a few times. This is a nice pastry. I've made it often.
Aug 30, 2:54pm
Thanks for your comments davidt4, the sour cream was so unique, to me anyway, I thought I would get another opinion.And I make short crust pastry the way you mentiion except I usually use exactly half the weight of butter to flour, pinch salt, and mix with very cold water.It has served me in good stead over many years.
dbab-thanks for that link - will have a good look at it shortly.
Aug 30, 3:07pm
I cant help feeling the show was rigged;when Andy got to stay and Jules and Amina lost in the double elimination.His plates did not look good.I think they wanted more men in the final 10 and that is why he won.
Aug 30, 5:58pm
I was annoyed they didnt show Amina and Jules arriving home, I love that part too as you get to see what they are up to now, if they have websites etc. anyone know what they are doing now!
Aug 30, 6:15pm
I think it was Marco who decided who was to stay. He was out working amongst all of them and I'll bet they took his advice.
Aug 30, 7:41pm
No not rigged but rather a correct "judicial" decision - he may not win but they other two could not win based on their skills.
Aug 30, 9:23pm
Well it all came down to flavour in the end, and by that alone, Andy's was the best.
Sep 1, 12:03am
Gosh fancy being able to say that Marco mentored you, what an honour!
Sep 1, 1:17am
He's too scary!
Sep 1, 3:43am
Interesting that Gary or George (can't recall which one it was) asked Ben and Deb how they got on/cooked together - it must be obvious to them too that Deb is not a team player.and from Ben's answer it just confirms what I've always thought - that it seems to be Deb's way.or the highway! She an excellent cook, there's no denying that, but she wasn't about to discuss the meal idea with Ben at all. It was all about what she wanted to cook and Ben was to be her assistant, basically. Such a selfish cow!
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