A bit stupid really wasn't it.the other two teams had real kitchens to work in, think yellow should have won due to the conditions they had to work in.
Aug 20, 2:22am
I agree, it was so unfair. I would have been very angry if I had been in the yellow team.Think it is all a set up really.The same few are always there, seems some of the others dont really get a chance.If Mindy says beautiful one more time. Am enjoying this series but get a bit fed up as it is so obvious a set up.Unfair.
Aug 20, 2:29am
I felt sorry for Amina, she made lamb koftas and they were not even mentioned, think that very poor.I am sure they were better than the lamb dish. I think they work it to suit themselves.
Aug 20, 3:05am
Me too, it was a silly challenge.
Aug 20, 4:04am
Deb seems to get a bit left out sometimes I think. She made a good looking dish tonight and one of the judges really wanted to try it, but it got bypassed for an ordinary sort of cake/pudding that I often make, nothing unusual.
Aug 20, 4:19am
I know, am so over Mindy, tonight she said with her first dish, 'oh I have made a beautiful sauce to go with it".It may not of been 'beautiful' she just presumed it would be.
Aug 20, 4:44am
The contestant who BBQ'd the lamb chops is hopeless - last week the stuffed chicken/quail she did with raisin stuffing was not up to par and tonight it was no different.
The team leader in the yellow team ("cup-cakes" Julia/Julie) has Alice to thank for the success of the main course; she had the idea to smoke the salmon without using the smoker - had she not have used her intiative and smoked it the way she did.the dinner would have been a complete flop. The cake (dessert) seemed to take precedence over the entree and main course - yet the cake wasn't even cooked through. It seems that as "Cup-Cakes" was the captain, everything had to go HER way. Surely she could have improvised with what ingredients were at hand to create a dessert that didn't require baking in the oven!
Aug 20, 5:22am
I was sorry Debra's dessert didnt get a try.I think she is one of the better cooks.Agree that the cake wasnt even cooked through.
Aug 20, 5:44am
Heavens to murgatroyd - it certainly looked like a set-up tonight - as someone mentioned - all the 'usual suspects' got their dishes tasted - some favouritism seems to be creeping in. Julie selfishly wanted the smoker to herself so she could do her damn common-or-garden cake and Alice did indeed save the day from being worse than it could have been for the yellow team - in fact Alice could be the dark horse,I've been thinking to myself, - a self-effacing person really but capable and her dishes so far not spectacular but good enough to keep her in the fight. A silly challenge - yellow was disadvantaged from the get-go!
Aug 21, 4:43am
Well another night of it gone, and one less contestant. I thought it was time for Tregan to go, as really she is a "Dude" cook and had no hope of taking the title. A really nice person though and hope she goes through with her dreams. It will start to heat up now and get much harder.
Aug 21, 5:42pm
Off to Kangaroo Island tonight. Looking forward to this one!
Aug 21, 11:17pm
anyone know where i can get the reipe for Julie's lemon syrup cake! a google wasn't successful
Aug 22, 1:23am
can anyone remember who made the little lemon cakes style desserts.with the biscuit/cake base and the lemon ontop.i cant for the life of me find the recipe.(or was it on MKR)
Aug 22, 1:39am
I think that was on MKR.
Aug 22, 1:54am
I found this on Julie's website:
Lemon Syrup Friands
Makes 6
Prep time : 10 minutes Cooking time: 45 minutes
Lemon Syrup Friands
5 eggs 125g butter, melted 2 lemons, zested and juiced 1 ½ cups almond meal 1 cup icing sugar ½ cup plain flour 1 cup caster sugar ¾ cup water
Preheat the oven to 180°C.Grease a 6-hole friand tin.
Separate the eggs and reserve the yolks to cook something else.Whisk the whites until they are frothy and add the melted butter.Stir through the almond meal and icing sugar, making sure there are no lumps.Stir through the flour and lemon zest.
Place equal amounts of the batter into each hole.Bake for 45 minutes or until golden and coming away slightly from the edges. Remove from the oven.
Meanwhile, make the syrup.Place the sugar and lemon juice with ¾ cup water in a small saucepan.Bring to the boil and boil for 5 minutes.Be careful it does not boil over.The syrup will thicken a little on cooling.
Turn the friands out of the tin and pour about 2cm of syrup into each hole.Return the friands to the tin and poke a few holes in the top with a skewer.Spoon the lemon syrup over the friands a little at a time until it is all absorbed.Allow to stand for a little while before serving.
Aug 22, 3:12am
Wasn't the scenery stunning! Didn't learn much tonight, but it looks as if the contestants really enjoyed themselves.
Aug 22, 4:33am
It's a pity they showed us so little of KI, which I think would have been much more interesting than all the squealing and trite comments from the contestants.Even a few shots of KI sheep would have been appreciated.
Aug 22, 1:59pm
THe recipe for Matt's delicious looking chicken skewers please!Thank you in advance hopefully
Aug 22, 4:29pm
I thought last night was a great Masterclass - I loved the look of everything they cooked for the "party". The food was mouth-watering!
Does anyone here know what that ingredient was that was used to give the mayonaise a bacon flavour!
Aug 22, 6:51pm
What is Julie's website!
Anyone else thinkMindy is the favourite! She can do no wrong - I have noticed she is such a flirt too
Aug 22, 7:07pm
She's one of the favourites but I wonder what she's like out of her comfort zone of Asian flavours!
Aug 22, 7:09pm
Some people not unlike you (mattdylan) are very critical of this one contestant and frankly I don't really think it's justified.
Firstly, Mindy is a very talented cook, has oodles of personality, interacts well with her fellow contestants and has by all accounts proved to be very popular with her peers and judges alike. I think she is "likeable" - she is very outgoing, animated, bubbly and vivacious.nothing wrong with that - and if you interpret that as being a flirt.well, what's wrong with being a bit flirtacious! - it's all part of her personality. I see her as a wholesome, fun, energetic and enthusiastic contestant who has a lot of potential.
Aug 22, 7:29pm
The main thing was dried Bonito, which we use as bait here for fishing.It apparently tastes like bacon when dried.
Aug 22, 7:41pm
It's actually the combination of the bonito powder + the sesame seeds and brown sugar.Here's the full recipe
MARRON SLIDERS WITH COLESLAW Recipe by: George Calombaris Ingredients •4 marron •4 sweet buns, such as brioche, split in half •Olive oil, for brushing
Mayonnaise •5 egg yolks •1 tablespoon Dijon mustard •1 tablespoon white balsamic vinegar •1 teaspoon sea salt flakes •440ml grapeseed oil •60ml extra virgin olive oil •Lime juice, to taste
Bacon flavoured powder •300g white sesame seeds •80g bonito powder •30g brown sugar
Method 1. Preheat oven to 200°C. 2. Prepare marron, place live marron in a freezer for 15-20 minutes to put to sleep. Bring a large saucepan of water to the boil, add marron and cook for 3 minutes to par cook flesh. Remove and place in a bowl of iced water to chill, drain well. Remove head and legs, turn the marron tail to one side and gently press to crack. Peel shell from flesh and pull out gastro intestinal track. Thread a bamboo skewer through the tail lengthways and repeat with remaining tails. Keep in fridge. 3. For mayonnaise, place egg yolks, mustard, vinegar and salt in a food processor and process until thick and creamy. While still processing, combine the oils and gradually pour in oil in a thin stream. 4. For bacon-flavoured powder, combine ingredients on a baking paper lined baking tray and bake for 5-10 minutes or until caramelised. Allow to cool. Once cool, process to a powder. 5. Add 6 tablespoons of bacon powder to ¾ cup mayonnaise and season with lime juice to taste. 6. For coleslaw, place ingredients in a bowl, add bacon mayonnaise and mix to combine. Season with salt and pepper to taste. 7. Heat a BBQ to smoking. Brush skewered marron tails with olive oil and cook for 1-2 minutes on each side or until cooked through. Season with salt and pepper. 8. To serve, fill buns with coleslaw and a marron tail.:-))
Edited to add - I have double+ checked the quantities for the bacon flavouring - the 'main' ingredient is actually the sesame seeds.:-))
Aug 22, 7:47pm
Thanks for that.where can you buy it from!
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