I have a fridge mix recipe for muffins that can be stored in the fridge for a week so im told. In the mix is baking powder and baking soda, i was always under the impression that once these two products were wetted, you should use the mix straight away.Being a mere male can someone please advise me if this is o.k. Thanks.
Jun 13, 5:38pm
Try it . I have a recipe too that sits in the fridge for a week. They were always very nice.
Jun 13, 5:45pm
Thanks pickles but that doesnt relly answer the question. is it o.k. to let the baking powder and soda sit wetted for a week, probably what im wondering will they still come out as light and fluffy as if used straight away. Thought some of you clever people might have done this excercise.
Jun 13, 5:49pm
My recipe works, I am just too lazy to go look for it. Put yours up . My recipe was for bran muffins as I recall.
Jun 14, 1:02am
This recipe says you can store it up to three weeks, no problem.
Thanks tammiraven at long last i got someone who understands the question, i knew i had heard somewhere that there could be a problem with wetting the b/s and b/p and leaving it stored for some time, they were never as good as the first ones that i made before storing the mix, always appeared to be a bit flat.Thanks again.
Sorry i didnt mean to be rude, i knew i had read somewhere that leaving the mixture/batter stored in the fridge over a period of time deteriorated, and thought it must be the b.p or b.s. I also knew there is a lot of clever experts on here that know far more than i , so was just asking the question to confirm, it appeals to be able to make up a quantity and just add bits and pieces over ,say a week.
Jun 17, 5:07pm
My tongue was in my cheek ;)
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