ive never cooked it what is the best way i have bout 6 steaks should i cook it as steaks or stew it
Mar 15, 6:11pm
Venison, red wine and beetroot casserole
Mar 15, 6:15pm
It can be gamey.So if you've never had it casserole it.Very much yum.
Mar 15, 6:15pm
bummer dont have red wine or beetroot lol
Mar 15, 6:18pm
k thank you so like a normal casserole etc
Mar 15, 6:20pm
Yep.Son in law put a bit of rosemary in with his(optional)but carrot onion that sort of stuff.Slow cooking is best.Enjoy.
Mar 15, 6:22pm
thanks again gonna give it a go
Mar 16, 1:18am
steak is nice. otherwise casserole it like you would a beef burgundy or similar. I layer it with bacon, mushrooms, onion, carrot and a little celery (if you have). Add red wine or stock, season well and a few herbs (mixed is ok) and a bay leaf. thicken with cornflour if needed
Mar 16, 2:05am
If it's the backstrap, slice into steaks and fry 3 or 4 minutes either side in butter, you wouldn't want to stew that
Mar 16, 3:07am
twindizzy how about posting your recipe please!sounds very interesting and I happen to have some good quality venison in the freezer.
Mar 16, 3:15am
send it to me.fast fryed steak and onion,mushroomsyum yumm
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