Help, I have got 4 kg of apples and dont know what to do with them, any ideas or recipes anyone could help me out with!
May 7, 11:55pm
there's the good ole fav being apple crumble, apple sauce, stewed apples (for custard), bottled apples, apple streudal (youknow, the pastry tart type thing), baked apples (with cinnamon and sultana's etc inside) . hope this helps
May 7, 11:59pm
Peel, core and cut into slices. Put into bowl of water with a couple of teasp of salt to stop browning, then pat dry, bag and freeze. Great for apple sauce, crumbles etc through winter. And no you can't taste the salt when they are cooked.
May 8, 12:08am
You can also stew them and freeze for later use in Winter puddings.
May 8, 12:22am
search here for dutch apple cake. Its soooo goood!
May 8, 12:30am
We are having a apple crumble tonight yummo
May 8, 12:41am
ohh we are not having crumble, we are now having a apple tart!
Never!Do you dry them in the oven, harrislucinda!If so, any tips!
May 8, 2:50am
how did you make the cider harrislucinda!I'm going to a local "home-brew for begginers" tomorrow night and I'm dead keen to do something (anything!) along those lines!
May 8, 4:50am
I do this when I find apples are cheap and bag up portions for adding to my breakfast yoghurt or porridge and making apple pies and puddings etc.Got apples last week for 10c kg so just done this.
May 8, 4:52am
My gran made the most delicious apple jelly.It was clear and sweet and I can still remember,30yrs later just how good it was.
May 8, 4:55am
have you tried Feijoa cider! it's so nice
May 8, 9:44am
May 8, 9:48am
therecipeisonheresomewherebutitdidsay freezeapplesbut thistimeichoppedupin7 ltrewaterleaveforaweekthenaddedsugarleftovernightthenbottledThis weekidecidedtograte applesandputafewsultanasinbutwillgettheamountsfor you
May 8, 9:51am
goontothesideandputupappleciderandsearchlastyearlookdownany oneappleciderrecipefoundit there
May 8, 11:43am
How long do you dehydrate them for please!
May 9, 9:51am
atleast5hrsyou can tellthey arereadyasdriedup andreducedsize
May 9, 10:40am
How about Nigella's spicy apple chutney, delishus .
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