Freeze Potatoes?

veronica73, Mar 30, 11:10pm
I love mashed potatoes, I'd have them every night if I didn't have to peel, chop & cook them. I would rather peel & chop a whole lot of pototes at 1 time then freeze them, Is this possible! Can I freeze mashed potatoes! Can I freeze par-boiled potatoe cubes, ready for boiling & mashing!

jessie981, Mar 31, 1:29am
Can freeze mashed potato. Not sure on par-boiled as they may go watery. Someone will come in & tell you.

ansypansy1, Apr 12, 5:54am
the chips you get from a fish and chip shop have been par cooked then frozen. why not potatoes you've processed yourself. I think I'd paraboil, then finish off for individual dinners. Don't fancy frozen mashed potatos, think they would go soggy, but then again, you can freeze potato topped pies.
You might just have to experiment,

yjeva, Apr 12, 5:57am
If you mash them with no milk they freeze well - I do them in icecream scoop lots. But if you add milk they go a bit watery.

donnabeth, Apr 12, 8:47pm
Every year I mash a huge potful with milk and butter then free flow freeze in icecream scoop lots. They can be reheated in the microwave and fluffed up with a fork good as new. They are great for pie toppings or a quick spud for one in the summer when there are only new waxy potatoes.

ansypansy1, Apr 13, 5:07am
I must try that donnabeth. Often I do enough 'mash' of potato, kumera, and carrots for two nights, but there's sometimes not really enough for the second night. A scoop out of the freezer would be fine to pad out the meal.

kizilbaby, Apr 14, 6:52am
you have par boil them first and then let them cool and then freeze them. if you want to make chips you need to deep fry them for 3 minutes let them cool and then freeze them. you can do the same with broccoli and cauliflower. parboil them then freeze them. i always find i have too much.