Best way to do bacon and egg savouries

busy.mum, Apr 14, 7:01am
i like them moist and creamy iykm! i have puff pastry to use- shall i blind bake them

scarlettnz, Apr 14, 8:00am
I wouldn't bother (but then I'm a fairly lazy cook lol).Wouldn't it be incredibly fiddly to blind bake savouries!

nauru, Apr 14, 8:10am
I use ready rolled flaky pastry and I don't blind bake them first.I cut each sheet into 4 and put them into a muffin tray and then fill with whatever is on hand eg. bacon and/or veges, top with mixed herbs and cover with beaten egg and milk or cream.

lodgelocum, Apr 14, 8:18am
No, don't bake blind, and fill as indicated above, I do bacon, egg beaten with milk or cream, tomato pieces and cheese, season.Savouries are always a winner.