I find Katherine Rich's comments very interesting to say the least
Apr 29, 7:52am
I think it's a brilliant way for people to get excellent quality meat at good prices and to go in together makes it very affordable.
Apr 29, 7:57am
Totally agree, I have eaten home killed meat most of my life and it's much nicer tasting
Apr 29, 7:59am
Ijust emailed those guys down south lol
Apr 29, 8:03am
Good on you! I just found her comments quite amazing.it was easy to see who SHE was backing!
Apr 29, 8:22am
So did I. Bet they'll have a ton of emails!
Apr 29, 8:28am
Good discussion happening on facebook about this Www.facebook.com/sundaytvnz
Apr 29, 8:34am
And when Countdown have lamb shoulder chops on "special" at $16.50 kg ($19kg normal price) methinks we are paying too much for meat.
Apr 29, 9:01am
From a similar thread to this (about the price of supermarket meat) in General ;)
Apr 29, 11:14am
We grew up doing this sort of thing my dad used to get a cousin who was a farmer to buy him a beast at the sales with his own stock then it would go to the abbatoir with sheep we would get whole carcases though beasts went to the butchers and came just as seen on TV in boxes. This was 40 or so years ago I haven't done it myself though tempted too as I could butcher it myself and save a few dollars. trouble is with only 3 of us at home it would take us a heck of a long time to eat a whole one.
Apr 29, 7:38pm
This is new!! I knew you could buy a cow for $6kg years ago. Never bothered, it would take too long for us to eat it. Even with friends joining in , still too much. Always bought sheep whole though.still do. Probably not as cheap but even a whole sheep lasts us ages here. Had a neighbour who used to, she had two big chest freezers, or was it 3! She'd eat all the steak and stuff and then give me the mince. Too inferior for her.LOL.
Apr 29, 7:59pm
No, it's not new. Plenty of people do it, especially where we are, however, it has become "new" because it has beenbought up on a television programme. Despite what many people had been saying on recipes, there ARE a number of people who eat this way, by banding together and sharing the cost. This can be done with numerous foodstuffs such as frut and vegetables, dairy and even home cleaning products. We often buy bulk at Moore Wilson and then divide it up between family members.
Apr 29, 10:59pm
We belonged to a fruit & vegetable Co-op while living in a high rise city overseas.It was cost-effective and a good way for a group of friends to get together.We took turns at the admin part of it.
Apr 30, 1:05am
Interesting that there seem to be two views on how friendly you should become with your home-kill.
The woman advocating it in the TV programme said on no account give your cow a name, whereas vmax has said things like "we cut up dear Molly for the freezer today" and uli used to say she could only kill an animal once it had become her friend.
Apr 30, 1:19am
If you aren't doing the killing yourself it probably doesn't matter anyway as its a couple of weeks between seeing the animal and boxes of meat turning up. Killing itself whether you know the animal or not even for non squeamish people like myself takes some getting used too. The gutting process is another thing all together and definately not ever going to get used to that though I can and do do it from time to time.
Apr 30, 1:41am
I was just wondering as I watched that just how much room it would take up in the freezer.It looked like an enormous amount of meat, especially sausages and burgers.
Apr 30, 3:43am
I think I heard 240 Kg of meat mentioned thats the equivalent of 24 paint pails so I reckon one 18cft freezer wouldn't be enough. Half a beast might fit in an 18cft which is the biggest usual domestic chest freezer. Mind you it will last a couple of weeks in the fridge so you can put some there too.
Apr 30, 4:24am
you can fit a whole cow in a 12 cubic foot if its in boxes like the ones on TV were, just bagged is a bit more tricky, the boxes stack well, and you can stand a couple on their sides here and there as well.
Apr 30, 5:58am
Now all I have to do is get rid of all the other stuff in the freezer and maybe buy another one!I can understand why you would only want half or a third.
Apr 30, 6:20am
I am surprised but take your word for it I guess that means it completely fills the freezer!
Apr 30, 6:33am
Hi whats the email addy for the guys down south please! or their name so i can google! Tx
Apr 30, 6:43am
check it out on the sunday facebook site or rewatch the piece on line.
Apr 30, 6:44am
farmgatemeats.co.nz :)
Apr 30, 7:45am
I don't think I could eat those sausages.I keep thinking of all the leftover bits that get minced up and put into sausages.
Apr 30, 9:24am
Farm kill sausage are they only suasages i ever eat it real meat taste like saussies did when you were growing up before places like count down and food laws made it legal to put in colour, fillers, bread,fat, offal, ears,and other disgusting parts to make what count down sell as sauages 15% meat content .Target did a show on precooked sauages ,which where made of soybean ! Home kill is by far the best less stress on the beast tender meat , meat is hung properly and butchered and packed to the portions stated no sitting in vacummed plastic trays , dyes to look red, no glue .
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