After nearly falling over at the price of vanilla beans in the supermarket I am looking at buying some off here. But could anyone tell me the difference between tongan/tahitian/madacascan/ind- onesian vanilla! Cheers
There are two main varieties of vanilla - planifolia and tahitensis -most people can't tell the difference. The tahitenisis are much fatter. They are slightly morefloral in their flavour - only experts seem to be able to tell the difference. Planifolia, in my view, makesa better vanilla extract- Tahitian, in my view, are better in baking and matchingwith with fruit flavours.
Yes - the supermarket prices for them areshocking -youcan buy them at a fraction of those prices if you lookat online selling sites ( maybenot too far from this one)
Apr 22, 11:55am
I buy them from Ebay only because I live in Auz and I get them fairly cheap. I can not believe the price of them in the supermarkets. Never throw away the pods once you have scraped out the seeds. Put them in a bit of vodka and make your own vanilla esscence.
Apr 22, 1:51pm
Madagascar is the largest producer of vanilla in the world. I love both the Madagascan and the Tahitian. Bear in mind that pure vanilla/vanbilla extract imparts fabulous flavour and although far more expensive that the flavoured concoctions sold in many supermarkets, you just cannot beat it.
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