would you have to peel the feijoas first. always make quince jelly, but this sounds nice.
Apr 19, 9:17pm
No, korbo, I don't think you would. I used to peel feijoas for jam and chutney until I read a TM posting from someone saying she hadn't done so when making chutney and couldn't see any difference. I think the jelly will still work very well.
Apr 20, 12:04am
For jam & jelly I do not peel feijoas but scoop them, just cut in half and scoop with a sharp edge spoon (grapefruit one) for chutneys I use the whole feijoa (incl skin)
Apr 21, 1:58am
I made this today.It is divine.I used washed unpeeled fruit. I then used the pulp and made feijoa and passionfruit jam.
Might make another batch and boil it down further to make a paste.
Apr 21, 3:02am
Hi Geldof - I'm in the process of making this now (sans feijoa skin though!).I'm interested in your passionfruit/feijoa jam - I've never made jam or jelly before. could you please share your recipe with me! Is it easy for a beginner! Thank you!
Apr 21, 3:11am
I found the jam recipe this morning.
FEIJOA & PASSIONFRUIT JAM Makes about two 300 ml jars Ingredients • 2 cups feijoa pulp (cut fruit in half and scoop out the contents with a spoon) • 1½ cups of sugar • 2 large passion fruit (pulp scooped out and mashed to separate juice and seeds) • 2 tablespoons vodka • 100 ml water Method 1. Scoop out the pulp from the feijoas. 2. Put pulp into a pot and add water. 3. Boil on medium heat until the pulp is soft (about 15 minutes). Stir occasionally. Use a potato masher to gently mash the fruit. 4. Add sugar, passion fruit pulp with seeds and stir until dissolved. 5. Bring to a rapid boil and continue to boil for about 20 minutes or until the mix reaches setting point, giving it the occasional stir. 6. Add vodka and stir to mix. 7. Pour into sterilized jars, seal and store in a cool place.
I measured the pulp, (was 3cups) gently heated it and added 2 cups of sugar and some frozen passionfruit pulp.I didn't put the vodka or water in. Easy to do, but this one needs watching and frequent stirring to prevent it catching.
Have another recipe which I may try tomorrow, using apricot and feijoa.
Apr 21, 3:44am
So tempted to make this. Just curious on the recipe link it looks reddish!
Apr 21, 3:50am
Yes, mine turned out a pretty blush pink.I used lime instead of lemon too.
Apr 21, 3:52am
My feijoa jelly (no vanilla) is more brown than red, but I don't make it any more because I find it too astringent.
Apr 21, 3:52am
My feijoa jelly (no vanilla) is more brown than red, but I don't make it any more because I find it too astringent:)
Apr 21, 4:00am
Thanks Geldof! And you just used the remains/pulp from your vanilla feijoa jelly!
Apr 21, 4:46am
Yes mctavi.I thought it was worth a try.Often make chutney with the pulp from jellies.
Will try the jam tomorrow for breakfast and report back.
Apr 21, 4:56am
Yay! Thanks heaps :-) Our (very first ever!) home made jelly has been made :-) It's a lovely amber color. looking forward to reports Geldof! :-)
Apr 21, 4:32pm
Mctavi, the jam is great.Not as gritty as feijoa jam often is, possibly because of the skins.It isn't a very attractive jam but tastes lovely. Quite tart.My kids asked for more.
How did your jelly turn out!
Apr 22, 7:12pm
I have the feijoa's boiling up for the jelly, but it looks a yukky brown/green colour. is this normal.! might add a bit of cochineal if after it has dripped and is still a funny colour.
Apr 22, 7:37pm
hung the bag up to drip, and it looks a cloudy milky colour. i have made quince jelly many 100's times, will this go clear.and no -havent squeezed the bag.
Apr 23, 1:17am
bumping, almost ready to boil up with the sugar.
Apr 23, 1:51am
Korbo, mine didn't look very attractive before boiling with the sugar either. It comes right.Mine was very slightly milky after dripping, but no when finished.
Apr 23, 3:30am
mmmmm. roll on breakfast, or will I make a batch of scones for supper. The feijoa jelly is so devine. and a lovely pinky colour. I am very impressed and may do another lot tomorrow. It almost set in the pot, i was watching tv, heard my stove bell ring, and thought, just give it a few minutes more.opps, already starting to gel. I thought my quince jelly was the best, I think this is better.lol
Apr 23, 3:36am
AMAZING! It is SO unbelievably good! The first batch I made without the skins on the feijoas, but the 2nd batch I did WITH the skins on, and it was much nicer (if that is possible ha ha).It's less sweet, but still totally sweet enough :-) Waiting for another couple of kgs of feijoas to drop so we can make MORE jam. new obsession perhaps ha ha :-)
Apr 29, 5:38am
Those of you who made this - did you use proper vanilla extract or just vanilla essence! And did you use caster sugar or plain sugar! Wondering if I will get away with these two adjustments, although I don't see why not.
Apr 29, 6:06am
I'd make it with proper vanilla extract. not that I've tried it with essence, but if you go to the effort of making your own jam, go with quality ingredients :-) It tastes divine! And I used caster sugar. not sure if that means it just dissolves easier! Though there was an interesting debate on extract v essence not too long ago - search my username and it should come up :-)
Apr 29, 3:32pm
I ground my ordinary sugar and it worksperfectly,the jelly is a lovely pink colour.I don't know about using essence,but if you have nothing else,worth trying.
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