Advice varies - I keep mine in the pantry, it's cool and dark and my eggs never get the chance to go off but are always at room temperature for cooking.Supermarkets don't keep theirs in the fridge.
Apr 18, 1:18am
Once again
Fridge cos that's what it said on a carton
jessie981 (56 )2:24 pm, Fri 20 Jan #5
Apr 18, 1:26am
If I kept everything in the fridge that says "refrigerate after opening" (ie. jam, pickles, spreads, etc) I'd need two fridges!
Apr 18, 2:07am
A cool dark place is fine. If I kept eggs in my fridge I would need to run two fridges, same as .sarahb5.
Heston Blumenthal is apparently strongly against refrigerating eggs (see above link). I don't refrigerate mine and have never had them go off - plus that way, they're room temperature for baking. Success!
Apr 18, 2:10am
Plenty of room in my fridge!
Apr 18, 2:12am
A few on the bench ready-to-go and the rest in the fridge.
Apr 18, 2:52am
when I had the family i used to buy cracked eggs only . About 6 to 8 trays at a time direct from the farmstored them in the laundry in the middle of summer and never had any go bad on me.
I miss them, were $1.50 a tray those days
Apr 18, 3:21am
Good for you .
Apr 18, 4:12am
pantryI buy a tray at a time and we usually use that many a week, I buy from an egg farm/distributor not supermarket so eggs are fresher. No room in my fridge either and I certainly don't keep jams, pickles etc in their either. Sugar is a preservative, as is vinegar, so jams and pickles will only go off or mouldy if not cooked, sterilized or don't have enough of the preservative ingredient in them.
Apr 18, 4:56am
Mine are just on the hutch dresser in the kitchen, not even in a cool dark place. Nothing has ever gone wrong with them and they're always at room temp for baking then.
Apr 18, 3:03pm
Depends how many you go through each week.If you use a lot, and they're always within a week or two old (although that's hard to know if you buy supermarket eggs) they'd be fine at room temp.If you keep them for a couple of weeks or more, I'd refrigerate.I have hens, and I still refrigerate. I just take some out for half an hour if I need them at room temp. Easy.
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