With Tim Ferris. Amazing - and thanks to Cloudberry for the link. Got to try it tomorrow. http://bit.ly/bK76CI
Jun 23, 4:11am
Eeeewww and blow all your germs on it....lovely, perhaps with a bit of spit added for flavour.
Jun 23, 4:13am
A case of blow your own egg I think Cooks.
Jun 23, 4:28am
now i know which came first
Jun 23, 4:36am
yes, i guess so. Your guests could "blow their own" and make it a fun meal LOL
Jun 23, 4:40am
I boil about 50 eggs a day for my customers and Ive tryed just about friggin everything for peeling!I dont think wel be trying that lol.
Jun 23, 5:41am
Crack them slightly before boiling...works every time!! If you go too far add salt to stop the white leaking everywhere in the pot..
Jun 23, 6:03am
I boil eggs twice a week for my kids lunches and have no problems. Take off the heat and pour out water, add cold running water, then leave sitting in cold water. An hour later gently bash them all over on the side of the pot and under running cold water, hold and rub once - the shells fall off in big pieces.
Jun 23, 6:21am
Best way i've found, is to crack the shell gently all over on a flat surface, then peel, smaller pieces of shell are inclined to peel off easier :-)
Jun 23, 7:20am
I think the running cold water is the answer - I have boiled them and wanted in a hurry for salad so immediately crack the shell and peel with the tap running over the egg.I didn't really know this is a problem for some!!
Jun 23, 7:41am
Half th problem is when you try to peel them while still hot. I wait till thy are cool and I peel under cold running water.
Jun 23, 9:38am
A post in an earlier thread suggested putting ice in the cooling water and cracking the cooked shell slightly to let in the cold quickly for an easy-peel.Not overcooking - and cooling quickly - prevents a dark ring from forming around the yolk.
Jun 23, 9:53am
I run mine under the cold tap until they're cool enough to handle. Never have any problems...:-}
Jun 23, 9:17pm
Honestly I tried everything under the sun, True Cold water / Vinegar / salt / aged eggs /Baking soda / cracking before boiling / room temp eggs / small eggs big eggs, I really dont think there is a garenteed process that definitely works, well nothing Ive tried anyway, we boil twice a day, 6 days a week.and nothings garanteed!
Jun 23, 9:23pm
I'll just add that 95% of eggs do seem to peel easily.
Jun 23, 9:40pm
Buy them a couple of days old you'll be right
Jun 23, 9:41pm
The only time you are likely to come across a problem when pealing eggs is when you are using eggs that are under 1 week old.After that, who cares how you peal them!
Jun 23, 9:44pm
eggs keep good a for long time
Jun 23, 9:54pm
after boiling put into cold water . when cold tap the eggwith a teaspoon and then slip the teaspoon under the cracked shell and the shell just peels off - no trouble -
Jun 24, 1:16am
fresh eggs don't peel as well as older eggs. fresh being from chook house to kitchen and under 2 weeks. My fresh eggs will keep at least a month if stored correctly.
Jun 24, 1:28am
of course they do! read it again.. you cant peal a FRESH egg, they need to be OVER one week old ideally to make pealing them easier.
Jun 24, 2:05am
yea yea yea I knew that, and so will everyone else now
Jun 24, 4:13am
Like I said, "aged eggs". And I agree with all the tips, they may Help BUT when we get delivered a awkward batch they stay a awkward Batch, all of the above Hints and Tips have been tried many many mannny times, ask any other Foody!Would be nice to Learn why some eggs do and some eggs dont.
Jun 24, 4:29am
Well we have our own eggs fresh every day and after 2 or 3 days they peel very well if I crack them all over before I peel them.I must have the magic touch ;-)
Jun 24, 4:36am
And there ya go, each time prooven a myth! thanks rainrain1 , out of interest I didnt run cold water over them today(cooled down natually) and they still peeled fine! I think It just comes down to the batch!
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