Bad News For Vanilla Bean Lovers

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janny3, Apr 10, 8:53pm
Must try to get some Tongan & Tahitian too.

vampiriousmist, Apr 11, 7:38am
Quick question on making your ownextract - does the taste differweather you use vodka or brandy to the end flavour ! Willyow - I still have vanilla beans I bought off you :P They sit with my sugar so Ihave an endless supply of vanilla sugar :D

willyow, Apr 11, 12:24pm
Vodka is best for making your own vanilla extract - ethyl alcohol (vodka) is odourless andflavourless - so it doesn'teffect thevanilla flavour. It serves two purposes -It extracts the flavour - then it carries the flavour preserving it . Brandy gives it abit of a brandy flavour - but is still OKas brandytends to go very well withfruit flavours especially.It is best to make sure you've got the rocket fuel version - some cheapo vodkas out there only have a low level of alcohol in them- you want the 80 proof plus types.

elliehen, Apr 11, 5:43pm
I spirited away at Christmas some left over vodka.must have been saving it for this.Could you please post your 'instructions' for making one's own vanilla extract!

mwood, Apr 11, 5:52pm
In NZ we recognise the % Alcohol as ABV (Alcohol By Volume) Proof is 2x the ABV so 40% ABV is 80 Proof. We do not have high proof like USA EverClear which is 80% ABV or 160% Proof. However 40 % ABV is just fine for Vanilla Extract - 80+% ABV is best for Limoncello etc but you will need to make your own to get this high ABV in NZ

vampiriousmist, Apr 11, 5:55pm
Which brand would be the percentage needed !

mwood, Apr 11, 6:05pm
just look at the label and get the cheapest that is around 37.5% to 42% ABV plan on spending about $20 - any thing less will have a low ABV as it reflects the lower taxon the lower ABV - Brands like Smirnodff and Cossak from memory - long time since I sold this.

willyow, Apr 11, 8:00pm
We useRussian duty freeStolichnaya - the Russians know their vodka!

willyow, Apr 11, 8:01pm
The instructions will be in a little parcel which you should almost have.

norse_westie, Apr 11, 10:00pm
When I bought vanilla pods last year and made my own I had to buy vodka because I don't drink the stuff. I loathe the smell of brandy so went with vodka. I did find the cheap brand wasn't so good, but had no idea til I "borrowed" some good stuff off my son.

This year he has made some vodka for my feijoa liqueur efforts, so I'll make up a fresh batch of vanilla extract as well.

vampiriousmist, Apr 12, 12:12am
Feijoa liquor sounds good. How do you make vodka ! :P woundt mind giving limoncello a go. that stuff is good !

norse_westie, Apr 12, 1:40am
No idea. He makes several types of alcohol though, and this year made vodka for my recipes. I tried Lemoncillo last year but it wasn't that popular once they tried my feijoa liqueur.

elliehen, Apr 21, 1:48am
Bumping for mctavi and for a thorough discussion on the differences between vanilla essence and vanilla extract etc