I have a couple of beetroot(s? ? ) and am not sure the best way to cook them. Can I microwave them?
Apr 5, 11:21pm
you canby pricking thembut, theybleedbestto boiluntil tendertakeoffleavesto about1inchfrombeetno saltneeded
Apr 5, 11:24pm
thanks for that. how long do they take to cook by boiling?
Apr 5, 11:33pm
Depends on their size really - from 30 minutes to over an hour for the big ones ...
Apr 5, 11:37pm
thanks uli. microwave it is then
Apr 5, 11:40pm
No idea -do not own a microwave ...
Apr 6, 12:12am
Microwave and serve with sour cream yum
Apr 6, 12:15am
If they are just small, roast with whole garlic cloves, olive oil and S&P, yumo!
Apr 6, 1:35am
I have them in with my roast veg tonight. Yep got garlic, sage and rosemary in there with them.
Apr 6, 2:32am
Rubs tummy mmmmmmmmmmmm they were nice tender and sweet.
Jan 5, 5:11pm
so if you are roasting them do you peel them first? if yes how?
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