beer can chicken

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crails, Jan 4, 1:53pm
We did this the other night with friends. They used the large 440ml cans of Carlsberg beer half filled and to it they added garlic rosemary and ginger. It was devine

fisher, Jan 4, 3:43pm
Did you use the rosemary butter under the skin ? . . . you can use other herbs and when I have lots of purple and green sage, I use that with the butter. . Of course a sage and onion gravy to go with the succulent chook is a must. . .
You can use anything you like "inside" and crails, I would think that was a magic combination you used. . . hmmmm
Chickens are different, depending on where you buy them. . If its not browning very well, I spray the outside with Dot's canola oil (orange spray can) to help it along a little. . or use my olive oil sprayer for the healthy version. . . :}}

wron, Jan 5, 1:43am
My Canola spray, really big one, same brand I think, puts out an almost foamy spray of oil, whitey colour - maybe my can is faulty?

wron, Jul 11, 11:17pm
Letter arrived today, many many thanks fisher! Enjoy your trip - hope the north gets some rain while you're gone!