I'm a first time yeast user and trying to make a Focaccia recipe. I'm trying to proof the yeast with 2.5 cups water, 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1 tablespoon of dry yeast, but it doesn't want to froth. I've tried 4 times today, with 4 different batches. Water is warm, not hot, not cold, sugar is dissolved before I add the yeast, and I'm setting it aside in a 'warm' spot. Using Edmonds dry yeast, and also kept it in my fridge! I get it to bubble slightly, but no more then that. After an hour of nothing much, I've added flour and it isn't doubling as it's supposed to through the stages.
Is it me or the yeast!!
Mar 4, 3:31am
It's rather a lot of water for the initial proving I think
Mar 4, 3:36am
It's what the recipe says =/
Mar 4, 3:36am
elsha00, I'm not really sure why you're not having success, EXCEPT that I do wonder if the "2.5 cups water" is too much to achieve the usual frothy mixture - have you thought of trying to activate the yeast with maybe half of the water then add the remainder of the recipe's stated quantity of water when mixing the dough!
Hope that helps and/or that those who make bread more frequently than I do can help.:-))
Mar 4, 3:39am
I think 2 comments about the volume of water used is saying something! Will cut it down to start and give that a go. Will assume if it still doesn't work that it's not me! Thanks!
Mar 4, 4:26am
i have used dry yeast for over 20 years and have never proofed it first.
Mar 4, 7:20am
your dry yeast could be dead .check the use by date on the bottle . what temp is your water it needs to be just blood heat .if the water is too hot you kill it .before you buy yeast always cheack the use by dateand do also be careful of a bottled on date and no u/b/d which had me i think you are using too much water to start and too much yeast also . to my bread i use one teaspoon for 3 cups of flour or the bread has a strong yeast flavour
Mar 4, 8:05am
Thats far too much water, you could 1/4 that. then add the extra water to your flour, I have made bread for over 20 years & always use hot water from the tap, I used to use warm water but found I have great success with hot water, even when I am using dried yeast.
Mar 4, 8:43am
For a newbie and yeast, the easiest way to get the correct blood temp for yeast is to close eyes and dip your clean finger into the water, if you cannot feel it going in then it's the correct temp ie blood temp.
Mar 4, 5:54pm
The other thing is; is it instant or active or surebake yeast!Active needs to be proved by the other two don't. and yes just use about 3/4 cup of water to proof it then put the rest into the main mix.If its one of the other two yeasts, then just pop it in the mix alongisde the other ingredients and start the process.When doing this, I try to make the water a little warmer and ensure the yeast doesn't come in contact with it until its mixed up a bit.Makes the dough warm and gives it a head start.
Mar 4, 7:19pm
1 Tbsp!! Rather a lot.
It's probably a bad batch, throw it and get a new packet.
Mar 4, 9:29pm
you only need three tbls of warm water to actaviate yeast 3 tsp of yeast 1 of sugar will make 1.1 kg of bread
Mar 5, 11:42pm
How did the Focaccia go, elsha00!Is this the recipe you were using!
I usually bring a pot of water to the boil, place a cooling rack over it and place a stainless steel bowl on the rack. In the bowl, i put about 100-150ml water or milk, all the dry yeast, the sugar.give it a stir. and sprinkle some flour over the surface. I cover with a cloth and let the yeast go all horny while I go watch tv for a while. All the ingredients are taken out from the recipe.
The heat from the boiled water would be transferred gently to the bowl. Then I come back to check if its bubbling and spider-webby.
Mar 10, 4:00am
Yes 245sam, same recipe. It totally failed, smelled like beer if that helps. Changed the amount of water I was using, still no froth. Even tried to use the same yeast for a different recipe, no good. Expiry date is fine til Nov 2012. Think there's something wrong with it though =( Thanks all for your kind input =)
Mar 10, 7:00am
How did your bread turn out in the end! .elsha00
Mar 10, 7:52am
Nov 2012 !. Its past it
keep your yeast in the FREEZER
Mar 11, 5:55am
I think that it's an old thread going by the date.I agree with youabout keeping the yeast in the freezer too.
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