How devine rhubarb & vanilla jam was.all those wasted years.just used up all my rhubarb and I do not think the jars will last too long ds 3 is eating it still hot out of the pan.
Feb 27, 12:17am
Sounds like you have a really nice recipe - care to share it.!
Feb 27, 12:38am
Rhubarb and ginger is heavenly too :)
Feb 27, 12:58am
1kg of rhubarb, 200 g of sugar, 1 big ir 2 small vanilla pods, juice of half lemon, 1gm of natural pectin powder. Cut rhubarb into chunks cook with split vanilla pods and sugar and pectin when it comes to boil add juice of lemon. Fill hot sterilised jars.will have to go and "rape" mil rhubarb only have few jars.
Feb 27, 9:12pm
Where would i find natural pectin powder ! Is it an item i can grab off shelf at local super market! Is it sweet or plain what else could i use it for !
Feb 27, 9:15pm
rhubarb + strawberry + vanilla
Feb 27, 9:17pm
You can buy it from health food shops.i saw some citus or apple. Or you can make your own frim apples. Will post recipe later today fir the pectin liquid. I buy mine in bulk as it works out cheaper. It enables you to make stuff without sugar or with refuced suggar regardless whether you are using low or high level pectin fruit. It helps to jell/set. You csn use it in jams.marmalades.chutneys.- .soap making etc etc.speeds up your jams taste fruitier. You simply mix the pectin with cold fruit cook for one minute then add sugar if using any bring to boil cook for one-teo minutes and you are done.1kg of fruit jam cooked in 5mins.could not be simpler.
Feb 28, 6:21am
anyone got a recipe for rhubarb and rasberry jam.have been given some and it is just running out and want to make my own
Feb 29, 12:50am
come and live with me, i need a cook and this sounds divine.
Feb 29, 5:41am
rhubarb sponge made one last night yum
Feb 29, 7:44pm
Home Made Pectin Stock you can make your own pectin stock from either apples or citrus fruits. I use apples as citrus stock is somewhat bitter and more expensive to make (unless you have access to free citrus). Take 1.8kg of washed cooking apples or crab apples. Slice and place in stainless steel or enamel saucepal. Don't bother peeling or coring etc, just cover with water and bring to the boil. Simmer until the apples are mushy and then strain through a metal sieve, pushing much of the plup through into another pot. Leave this overnight. The next day bring back to the boil and reduce the liquid by half. If you reduce it more you will have stronger pectin stock. This homemade stock iwll keep for couple of days in the fridge or you can freeze it (though this reduces the pectin content). You can bottle the stock in sterilised jars/bottles for storage. If using this homemade stock use about 285ml of your stock per 1.8kg of very low pectin fruit (like strawberries, blackberries, cherries, peaches, pears, rhubarb etc), about 140ml for fruit with medium content of pectin (apricots, loganberries, rapsberries and early blackberries), and less than 70ml for fruit with high content of pectin (apples, blackcurrants, cranberries, damsons, plums, quince, redcurrants). if home made stock is too much effort just buy the liquid (though it must be stored in fridge after opening) or pectin powder which just lasts and lasts.
Feb 29, 7:50pm
Thank you for posting this recipe
Feb 29, 8:01pm
Just one question do you put the pectin in when you start cooking the raw fruit or add it later! My rhubarb is going mad so will make this over the weekend
Feb 29, 8:06pm
Yes I always put in the pectin powder/liquid in with the cold fruit/ before cooking --- if using powder and sugar I mix the powder with couple of tbs of sugar then mix through the fruit, cook for a minute then add rest of the sugar if using any. I used to give away almost all my rhubarb as my family insisted they did not like it - well now we don't have enough.all jam is gone so got to rob my mil rhubarb plant :D
Dec 2, 3:11am
Bumping for mctavi
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