The Recipes website names two only - Banana Caramel and Orange Coconut.
I think the Orange Coconutwas intended to represent the hamburger bun and the Banana Caramel the meat patties.
Apr 25, 12:39am
theremight be only two recipes. but four cakes made - I assume two cakes of each of the two flavours
Apr 25, 2:30am
Just watched it and I just keep comparing it to the Junior version, which is excellent.
Sorry to see Dave go.
Apr 25, 3:49am
He seemed like a really nice guy, who was obviously passionate about cuisine.It may be that, at this point in time, he lacked the professional approach in his attitude that the judges were after - he could fool around a bit during challenges, and that may well have been to his detriment.
Apr 25, 5:40am
Yes, he played up to the camera and seemed to be smirking behind the judges' backs.The contestants that the judges invite to join their restaurant staff have more self-discipline.
Apr 25, 3:22pm
Blonde woman should have gone home again. How on earth could her pyramid shaped burger not be on the chopping block! She scraped by with her homage to hokey pokey milkshake! Bollocks.
The show is rigged. And I have defended the show against that accusation for the past two seasons.
Not any more.
Apr 25, 4:34pm
Once again, that's Show Biz.
Apr 25, 5:24pm
"There's no business, like Show business, like NO business, I know!"
Apr 26, 4:06am
whatever flavour thedifferent cakes were that was the most repulsive overall'cake'I have seen in my life.What a monstrosity-imho - of course lol!
Apr 26, 5:01am
I may be going out on a limb here, but I think that a lot of over-decorated fantasy birthday cakes look almost as revolting as that 'hamburger'.
Apr 26, 6:36am
Agree.Even some of the cakes done for kids these days (yes I frequent the Parenting MB too) So much effort goes into this fabulous creation of fondant, all very well, but I bet the kids dont care really and waste most of it
Apr 28, 2:25pm
That was an interesting masterclass last night. I liked the mango cannelloni idea and it was good to see the hows and whys of pastry bases. Nice looking fruit salsa too.
Apr 28, 6:30pm
Boy, that guy doing the chocolate tart thing got to me - he can't even pronounce the pastry he was using properly - patey brize (his prounounciation) instead of pat brizay -my computer doesn't do the accents (and I haven't spelled it correctly ) but that is how it sounds - surely someone could have picked him up on it!pretty basic and he was such a pain to listen to.The end result looked pretty good but not worth the long time to listen to him.
May 1, 12:04am
Well, here we go again. Bets on who goes home tonight!
May 1, 1:33am
In the promo I saw Simon threatening to go home himself, but I won't put a bet on him ;)
May 1, 1:52am
lol, looks like there is going to be some disasters tonight.
May 1, 3:34am
That was interesting.
May 1, 3:58am
So Chelsea isn't just a pretty face then ;)
And even the clever and confident Charlene can have an off-day.
May 1, 4:08am
Yes, we have finally seen some Chelsea talent.not that it hasn't taken 11 challenges to see it. Pleased that Tony won the challenge, his food,.apart from the odd smear of pink goo through the middle of his dessert.looked impeccable.
They choose the correct person to go. Zee could never win on over rated ambition alone.
May 1, 4:10am
We saw Brenton at the Clevedon Farmers market. I noticed he had his hood pulled up later in the morning. too many people looking at him poor guy.I knew he was local as he went into the shop my daughter works at in Howick several weeks ago.
May 1, 4:58am
Yes, I agree with you.Please about the way it panned out tonight.
May 1, 6:20am
*Tony* so desirable.and gets a dinner with Chelsea! Sighs.
May 1, 6:20am
*Tony* so desirable.and chooses to have dinner with Chelsea! Are they both single!They look like Oysters and Champagne; Salmon and Sauvignon Blanc; Smoked Eel Tortilini and Hazelnut Sabayon w/ deep fried Italian Parsley.
May 1, 6:54am
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