NZ Masterchef 2012

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nfh1, Jun 13, 4:24am
I was amazed they have had to keep it quiet for 9 months.

ferrit47, Jun 13, 5:32pm
I agree With you.
They should have been sent home & had Playoff between Tony & Brenton. The Ladies cheated & broke the rules.

bedazzledjewels, Jun 13, 6:15pm

zambesi2, Jun 13, 10:25pm
Having read all of the above, I also think that Ana was the better cook, but at the end of the day you are only as good as your last dish (or sale), and facts speak louder than words.Ana made three crucial errors on her trival. Chelsea mucked up one layer but at least she completed all the layers accordingly.If people really think that Chelsea was chosen because of her looks, well think again, it doesn't actually work like that people.The best cook won on the day and the facts speak quite loudly.Ana stuffed up and it cost her!

bedazzledjewels, Oct 6, 8:42pm
It looks like the next series is well underway with a team challenge onboard ship -!c_id=1501119&objectid=10838875

strebor1, Oct 6, 8:51pm
Yes I just read that, can't wait for it to start, hopefully it will be better this time. I guess we probably have to wait until Christmas which is a bummer!

kay141, Oct 6, 8:54pm
Another programme to be avoided.

bedazzledjewels, Oct 6, 9:08pm
Strebor - I see that this year's one started screening in February.

strebor1, Oct 6, 10:54pm
I don't think I can wait that long!

strebor1, Oct 6, 10:55pm
Why is that don't you like cooking!

kay141, Oct 6, 11:03pm
I like cooking, but not those type of shows. I dislike the competition involved. Much rather have Nigella, Hugh, Jamie or any other cook.
I don't watch "TOP" anything. Too unnatural and setup.