even tonight, it was a setup! Seems she got away with it again
Jun 12, 4:32am
lol,she played a great game , kept enough back, good work Chelsea.
Jun 12, 4:32am
Congrats to Chelsea! They're only as good as their last dish & she won on the night that mattered :)
Jun 12, 4:33am
I concede defeat and of course Chelsea won. She was the best person on the night, and that is what it comes down to.
Jun 12, 4:33am
Yay Chelsea.Thoroughly deserved that win :)
Jun 12, 4:39am
Chelsea was the best on the day.
Jun 12, 5:11am
That trifle was ridiculous!Can you imagine ordering the trifle and have that plonked in front of you!!
Jun 12, 5:14am
lol, I agree nfh1, they never managed to dig all the way to the bottom either, while it was very elegant to look at, it wasn't really very practical as a dish.
Jun 12, 5:55am
I assumed you shared it with your friendSSSSS
Jun 12, 6:54am
Meh. Can't say I was surprised. Ana was surprisingly weak. Chelsea wasn't much better but she did do the venison part better. I wasn't excited about the final anyway as I thought Tony should have been there. In fact I'm still pissed off about what happened last week.
Jun 12, 1:54pm
I have to say Tony looked absolutely ridiculous, sitting watching it all with sunglasses on his head! Why do people do that!
Jun 12, 2:48pm
Take your spade!
Jun 12, 5:04pm
Yes I thought that, but the presentation makes it really difficult to share - unless you put the serving dish on the floor I suppose and had really long spoons!
Jun 12, 5:05pm
Would that be how people look cool!
Jun 12, 5:25pm
Comgrats to Chelsea. She was the one who held it together better on the night. That trifle was disgusting!
Jun 12, 5:27pm
Neither should have been there, should have been sent home and bought last 2 back, they had their eyes set on Chelsea, maybe the trifle was only invented for the final, they had to find somethingfor them to do. Half the country wern't happy on the talkback last night, my take on it was chelsea is the better marketing tool, got the looks,young, and therefore for a front person for ad's is a winner. Still think Anais the better cook and understands her flavours etc heaps better.
Jun 12, 5:44pm
In Australia, after the current series finishes, they're going to bring back past winners and favourites to cook off against each other.
Jun 12, 5:49pm
That would be how they THINK they look cool, but to most, absolutely stupid. I think it must be a feeling of security for people who have a problem of some sort, sort of like having something in your hands to hold onto. He is nice enough looking not to need any accessories, someone should tell him. Oh well bring on the next series so we can give opinions on all of them! LOL
Chelsea came First, Tony won, Ana is a nasty cheat and lied again last night LOL and I bet the sponsors are really pissed - where was the presentation ceremony - who even remembers the prizes now !
Jun 12, 7:10pm
And the real 'winner' is Brenton! Didn't those judges look uncomfortable in their suits!
Jun 12, 7:28pm
I can't believe how much people worried about the supposedly cheating side of things. Did I think Tony was a nark! No, Did I thin what he did was wrong! No. Did Ana and Chelsea cheat! Well no. Should they have gone home due to supposedly cheating! No.
That whole thing was a non issue and imo should never have featured on the show. Just as the stupid couple should never have featured either.
Jun 12, 7:54pm
Ana was much the better cook and presenterof the two, Chelsea should not even have lasted to go to Singapore. Gault always intended her to win I think,perhaps the sponsors wanted a blonde to contrast with Jax and Brett. The final should have been Tony and Ana. Chelsea got the layers wrong and her meringue wasn't cooked, her laksa was obviously not a patch on Ana's . I wish they would split the prize as it must be heartbreaking to come 2nd.
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