"An orchestrated litany of lies" - they said the chicken was acceptable - they ruled it was undercooked - Ana is pathetic - Chelsea has a mild cute factor - Tony was the best throughout the series. *I'm also outa there*
Jun 5, 8:01pm
Wonder if either of the finalists is the relative of davidt4 that she mentioned earlier!We may never know.
Jun 5, 8:10pm
What a disappointment it was last night. Only Tony really seemed to have given any thought to the cookbook project. As for Chelsea; she should have gone long ago. I kept thinking through the programme - are these the best cooks and is this food really up to standard! Of course not is the answer to that! For many reasons (some nothing to do with cooking!) these are the two finalists. Ana should win this easily, but you never know in show business! And it'll be good to see Rick Stein.
Jun 5, 8:24pm
And why not! if she is my choice over Ana, that is my choice surely! not ridiculous to me at all
Jun 5, 8:28pm
yep - the entertainment factor will be watching Ana spit the dummy ! - priceless LOL
Jun 5, 9:15pm
That's the only reason I'll be watching.
Jun 5, 9:30pm
Taking all of the emotional stuff away. i.e. the contestants & whether they were your personal fav or they didn't deserve to go so soon i.e. Tony telling the judges about the food swap
The show is stale and needs revising.
It desperately needs a warm, younger female presenter! Anna Gare on Oz Junior Mastercheff is pretty amazing.she just "glows". Please, please NOT Peta "I'll just mix this dough with my Liberace bejewelled fingers" (ick) Matthias in their. Maybe Nici Wickes!
Get some new freakin script writers in .Gault and Emmett need some serious help.actually on second thoughts.get rid of both of them and have McVinnie, Wickes and Peter Gordon.
Sort out the rule book pronto. Sort out the rule book re- what the definition of a cooked bloody chicken is and let the viewers know in the first episode.
Get rid of the branding.it sucks and spoils what remains of the show.which isn't much.
Anyhow, why should I care.I'm not watching anymore.!
Jun 5, 9:33pm
This show is miles behind the Junior Masterchef one being shown at the moment.
Jun 5, 9:36pm
I love that show .what talented kids.
Jun 5, 9:38pm
It is fantastic - I have just watched the NZ Masterchef followed by the Junior one - the difference is amazing!
Jun 5, 9:41pm
Give them acting lessons.They have the charisma of cardboard cut-outs.
Jun 5, 9:48pm
If Gault and Emmett stay. Choose a cliche limit. Once they have used up their quote of cliches for the episode, a massive polystyrene cleaver comes out of the roof and knocks them over & they are carted off to A & E.
Jun 5, 9:51pm
should be quota, not quote.
Jun 5, 9:58pm
The Judges are as good as you could expect in NZ a bit off note at times but generally reasonable, its the obvious editing for effect we see so often and acting like the section last night when they were harrasing Anna over her cook book idea obviously badly scripted acted and cut Annabelle was smirking like a cheshire cat at the bad acting of the judges.
Anna has been doing very well for some time now and is a sitter to win the thing I reckon. They have been trying to talk her down a bit lately to instill some drama like the digs at her for putting on the fish so late (which was perfect timing really) but she is nailing them everytime in the end.
Jun 5, 11:16pm
Nicci Wickes as a judge, what a fab idea.Maybe the dude in the food truck as well!
But Price - who sparked a nationwide debate about "narking" after dobbing in two contestants for cheating in last week's Singapore-based challenge - today told nzherald.co.nz his chicken dish was "cooked to perfection".
"I knew then that I didn't serve undercooked chicken and I still know now that it wasn't undercooked," he said.
"It was moist all the way through. It was in an oven at 200 degrees for 35 minutes - that's after I'd browned it off in a pan - then it went into a resting oven for another 30 minutes at 70 degrees.
"It can't not have been cooked - it's a matter of physics and maths."
Jun 6, 12:33am
I watched it through till the bit that Mr know all simon said to tony explain why you are injecting that PP sauce into the chicken to people at home, thought ooops tony big mistake,writing was on the wall for him then. When i saw that, and the way Annabel Langbein and the 3 wise men spoke to those contestants, i changedchannels. What a joke this NZ masterchef has become, know its a competition but no need to talk down to these last 3 contestants who were under immense pressure, just to make it look good for a TV camera. I was a fan of A Langbein to but not any more, she's no better than the judges.
Jun 6, 5:36am
I'm wondering what the big final challenge is.The other two final challenges were the croquembouche and the gingerbread house, but as Rick Stein is to be the guest judge, I can't imagine him being invited just to assess a sugary confection.
Is there a fishy creation which is a tour de force for chefs!
Jun 6, 4:54pm
Fish and Chips!Nothing like good fish and chips!
Jun 6, 5:22pm
Lets hope so! Anything but more CAKE, lol
Jun 6, 5:33pm
Im really disappointed with The 3 Judges as really they should have disqualifed The Ladies in Singapore after what they did & had a Playoff between Brenton & Tony. They didnt even offer Tony a Job as Brenton did get one. I thought hes done a Gt job & he deserved to win & Get a Job from one of Them. I feel sorry for Tony.
Jun 6, 11:45pm
It's cheery and unassuming wannabe chef Chelsea Winter versus the competition's consistent star, Ana Schwarz, in the final of Masterchef.
The second is an invention challenge with venison, set by former contestant and wild-game-cooking specialist Cameron Petley. Then they have to replicate a Malaysian prawn laksa, the signature dish of special guest and British celebrity chef Rick Stein.
Finally, the traditionally ridiculous hard dessert challenge this year is Euro's executive chef Eugene Hamilton's 10-layer Torturous Trifle.
Does anyone know when the final was recorded! When was Rick Stein last here! I see he's set a challenge on Australian Masterchef screening this week over there, but I'm sure that was recorded a while ago.
Jun 10, 7:01pm
Rick Stein was herein October last year doing a Malaysian promotion, but I have an idea that he comes to NZ quite a lot.Doesn't he own a property here!
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