What excitement will take place this evening, I wonder!
May 29, 1:44am
TV 'On Demand' when you get home!
May 29, 3:33am
Wow - never saw that coming!
May 29, 3:40am
awww bye bye!Nice work by Simon though!
May 29, 3:41am
thats it for me will be not watching any more!
May 29, 3:44am
Yeh - but what a great end result for him - could be worth more in the long run than winning!
May 29, 3:46am
Gutted never thought for a moment that was gonna happen, can't believe 2 cheats and a nark are left. Knew there was a reason why i don't normally watch this crap, did tonight to see what all the fuss was about in the ads. Won't be tuning in again.
May 29, 3:51am
Surprised that Ana tried to cover up.and only confessed to having broken the rules when confronted.
Simon's offer to Brenton of a 12-month apprenticeship followed by a full-time job could end up being better in the long run that a brief stint fronting Countdown commercials ;)
May 29, 3:52am
Big deal Masterchef! All their punishment was was missing out on a posh meal -that's nothing. You can bet if one of the men had done the same thing the penalty would have been worse. They're such soft***ks. I've also seen another side of Ana that I don't think I like. I know nobody likes a tell-tale but if you break the rules.
May 29, 4:02am
I'm happy with who is left and feel slightly surprised about Ana denying breaking rules until confronted as well. I think she is a great competitor and she is playing as hard as Tony. Not as fair though.
I think a Tony/Ana final will be quantums more evenly balanced than the Jax/Nadia final of last year. Thereby being a more exciting and evenly pitted contest.
I could never work out how Jax came second. Great lady and all.but something was missing in the cheffing dept.
I think Tony was a bit petty with the "breach". Ana is nasty and took no responsibility for her actions where as Chelsea did take responsibility. Ana is all nice when things are going her way, but last week she almost had a tantrum when no one was eliminated. Tony and Ana are both not of good character in my opinion, Big GO Brenton moment
May 29, 7:27am
*desires* Tony.
May 29, 7:38am
Episode was boring. Tony was a bit silly complaining about that but the producers would have loved it.
Next week looks better.
May 29, 11:31am
If Tony hadn't said anything the producers would have told the judges. I think the judges already knew going by how they asked Tony if he had anything to say when he brought up his plate.
And Chelsea has been saved by Simon so many times that it was only a matter of time she would pull off a flawless dish.
May 29, 12:33pm
no wonder i never get a decent feed., everyone to busy about the gossip not the food. Sad really.
May 29, 1:05pm
I'm thrilled for Brenton, and well done Simon as well, Brenton has been one of my favourite people right from the start, I hope he really shines in this opportunity. I still find Ray McVinnie sarcastic and condescending, yesterday at the docs office I picked up an old copy of Cusine, and he ws in there waffling on about how marvelous it was that our tastes have expanded over the years, which is all very well, however, I'm far more excited by the increase in "international" food, that we are now growing here, our own olive oil, someone now producing NZ pinenuts, wasabi being grown here, tea being grown here etc, THAT is our point of difference to me still, the fact that if we like something, we have people willing to put in the hard yards and actually grow it here, I wonder in years to come if we will see NZ coffee commercially available, wouldn't it be AWESOME, if we could be totally food secure as a nation, we have no problems growing meat and vege and fruit by the ton and exporting it, I'd love to see a program about the grafters out there producing these other things. I'm so lucky where I live, we have growers of alsorts fairly local, olive oil about 10 k away, hazelnuts, heaps of fruit, even cherries, the new "papple" that europe is raving about was grown right here as well. I'd like to see Ray McVinnie acknowledge this sort of thing, rather than raving about the best type of imported anchovies.
May 29, 4:00pm
Brenton is the winner in this one.A fab apprenticeship and a job with Simon,couldnt be better.Good on you Brenton.Good luck to you,hoping one day you will have your own restaurant somewhere and producelovely flavoursome dishes.
May 29, 4:12pm
Yes Brenton was my favourite, hope he goes a long way.Never liked the nark much, like him a whole lot less now.I couldn't believe my ears that he would do that, all the little puppydogs will have a little bit
May 29, 4:36pm
It think that Brenton has the best prize of all.
Some one else said they saw him working at a farmers market, does that mean Simons job didn't happen
May 29, 4:50pm
Yes Im thrilled for Brenton getting a Job with Simon. He really deserves it too. I was really hoping he would win Masterchef.Really think the 2 Ladies should have been sent home & Then there should have been a Contest Between Tony & Brenton.Good on Tony for his honesty. Hope he gets To Win now.
May 29, 5:06pm
Perhaps they did not want him to start until the show had finished on TV!
May 29, 5:08pm
I agree - why else would they ask if he had anything to tell them!
May 29, 5:08pm
Chelsea moves closer to the win ! Tony is beginning to annoy me me with negative attitude and Ana is simply cannon fodder - good 3rd place material *puts my boot in* LOL
May 29, 5:18pm
I have to say I struggled to look at Tony after the nark episode.he can cook though!
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