I recon its going to be the older lady tho i think she lacks talent and is a shame that they didn`t throw someone out tonight as charlene had more talent than the ones left and she had a crap day and got turfed , some one should have gone today the blond girl should have gone !
May 22, 6:28am
I thought that was pretty crappy actually, although dazz was correct! lol.When the judging comments started you could see they were going to send them all.Very unfair for the 'winners' today I thought. Especially Ana who really succeeded in that challenge.compare her food to Chelsea's and Chelsea should not be in it
May 22, 6:31am
my other random thought was that Chelsea's food looked awful and yet Simon was going OTT about runny mousse.Would he have done that for tony or brenton!
May 22, 6:33am
Ana's food looked great especially that dessert. I was surprised the salad with blue cheese was praised. What if you don't like blue cheese o.o
Brentons pie looked really good. I really wasn't a fan of the look of Chelsea's fish with the pea puree. Did not look appetising.
May 22, 6:34am
Simon seems to have a crush on Chelsea ;)
May 22, 6:46am
Yes, well that was my thought too. he seems to have one each series
May 22, 6:46am
But Ana and Brenton fly business class, the other two fly cattle class.
May 22, 1:25pm
I think Chelsea should ave gone last night. I can understand why Ana and Brenton felt a bit miffed about that. A tough challenge.
May 22, 1:34pm
They are in it to win it - so when theyperform and someone else doesn't - Iunderstand them getting miffed when that someonegets a second chance to knock them out of the competition. There's quite a lot a stale for those individuals
May 22, 1:43pm
I guess if the judges had said you are cooking tonight to see who goes business class and who goes economy - they might have not have tried so hard - but it would at least have been honest.
May 22, 5:42pm
No I meant Ana but she was OK last night and the Rasta was a "fail" but the judges chose to make excuses for him whilst criticising others - the judgescome across as a bunch of bully boys trying to masquerade as comedians.
May 22, 5:46pm
bunch of amateurs compared to me! Anna will win, although i thought chelsea 2 weeks ago! doh!
May 22, 5:51pm
Not sure how Brenton was a fail! His dishes were well cooked & flavours all spot on . he just let himself down on time management. That filo of Chelsea's was truly awful last night. I agree with charlieb, dazz & others above - unfair that no-one went home despite the pressure the judges put on the contestants that that's what would happen if they lost the challenge. Bring on Singapore!
May 22, 6:35pm
I saw brenton at countdown maybe 3 weeks ago now spending up large, maybe spending part of his $20,000 grocery winnings hmm I wonder lol. Anyway I thought he was pretty good on last nights episode
May 22, 6:53pm
I'll place my last bet now - Brenton to win.He seems to have a natural amateur's gift for cooking, if not for presentation and time management - can learn that later from the professional Masterchefs ;)
May 22, 6:55pm
I agree Ellie. While his time management isn't great, the judges consistently praise his flavours. He's apparently "got it"!
May 22, 6:58pm
Not to mention he would be VERY 'marketable'.
May 22, 7:15pm
I think Ana was great last night and I don't blame her for being miffed! she deserved to win
May 22, 7:25pm
He did not complete the allotted task in the allotted time. He did not even have his required ingredients and he bolstered 2 pre-made salads to 4 and he garnished everything with a smothering of all sorts of nuts - a no no for bad/false teeth and allergies
May 22, 7:34pm
Well, as the Airline executive said, he showed innovation and his food tasted good!The task allowed for variations as long as they worked.
I think Simon's praise for Chelsea's chocolate slop with a sinking strawberry on the side was ridiculous.
Edited to add:Anyone with special dietary requirements has plenty of time at booking the flight to order well in advance.
May 22, 7:38pm
Ana definitely deserved to win last night. But I thought Brenton's fruit salad was a great idea after a couple of curries and that mighty pie. I love fresh fruit salad on a flight.
May 22, 7:46pm
I thought Tony would go - no matter how well thought out, well cooked, etc, if food is cold / barely warm it's going to be sent back.
May 22, 7:51pm
I take my own food but I am happy to drink their beer and whisky LOL
May 22, 8:17pm
I've always assumed that food on planes is reheatedin microwaves, so the puff pastry and the filo would not be suitable.Is this not the case with Jetstar!Do they have other ways of reheating !
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