Where can I buy Celery seeds

zahnee, Feb 19, 1:02pm
Supermarkets don't sell them and I haven't kept any from my plants.
I'm in Upper Hutt so don't have any Bulk stores here either.

245sam, Feb 19, 1:40pm
zahnee, I haven't checked recently if they still have them but as far as I know you're best option is Bin Inn and there is one in Lower Hutt- at 418 High Street.Contact details for them can be found at:-


Hope that helps.:-))

horizons_, Feb 19, 2:11pm
Good luck, I spent weeks searching last year. In the end I improvised and used celery salt.

trah, Feb 19, 2:19pm
Phone and see if your local Binn Inn has them.Mine did.

zahnee, Feb 19, 2:45pm
Thank you so much for the information, I really appreciate it.
I will give the bin inn a try.
Have a great day.

dolma, Feb 19, 10:13pm
I also have been on the hunt for celery seed and finally found packets in my local Pack n Save [West Auckland ] They were not with spices and seeds section but near the meat department Brand name "Master of Spices "

drsr, Feb 20, 12:25am

jazzryn, Feb 20, 3:26am
I buy mine from a health food shop

zahnee, Feb 21, 8:02pm
Got them from Bin Inn in Lower Hutt.
Thanksfor your replies everyone.:)

brooksy1, Feb 22, 12:37am
I got mine from Davis Trading at Petone, they have masses of bulk herbs and spices.

wyndra, Mar 3, 8:26pm
Cottage Hill Herbs, Bridge Road Akatawera have them, open Wenesday and weekends.

olwen, Mar 3, 8:42pm
Davis trading are great.There is also a good Indian shop in Jackson Street that has all sorts of things. I got a pressure cooker there.

beewee, Mar 4, 3:03am
Asian Food Shops sell them