What is a substitute (that you have actually tried or know is proven) for using red wine in a venison recipe, please! I aim to crockpot it really slooooooow.(not today, it's still thawing) Or do you have a great recipe without wine! Many thanks.
Feb 9, 6:26pm
This would work very well with stewing venison instead of beef.In a slow cooker you wouldn't need to add any water:
Beef, Leek and Vinegar Stew (French)
3 large leeks in thick slices 2 tab olive oil 700g stewing beef in large chunks 1 tsp salt pepper 4 tab balsamic vinegar 750 ml water
Brown beef in oil, add leeks and stir 5 min.Add salt and pepper.
Add vinegar and stir to deglaze, gradually add 500 ml water.Cover and simmer about 3 hours until the meat is very tender.Add more water if necessary.
Feb 9, 6:50pm
Vincon by Prenzel is a great wine substitute.
Feb 9, 6:52pm
my brother uses coke-a-cola of all things!
Feb 9, 8:22pm
you sound like an egg eating vegetarian - the alcohol evaporates only the esters of the wine remain
Feb 9, 8:42pm
Some people just don't want booze in the house for all sorts of reasons!
I sometimes use plum jam, or any red berries, black currents are good. Another good substitute would be Tamarind though most recipes you can just leave it out.
Feb 9, 8:54pm
Thanks for the totally wrong assumption, I eat practically everything and I'm aware of the evaporation aspect, but do not want wine in my food. My choice and my meal.
Feb 9, 8:56pm
Thanks everybody and beaker this sounds good - I wonder about cranberry jam/sauce!
Feb 9, 9:01pm
Cranberry sounds good if thats what you have. Just watch you aren't adding too much sugar with the fruit, though a bit is good. Just remembered too my MIL uses grape juice
Davidt's recipe sounds really good too I will keep the balsamic idea in the back of my head for next time.
Feb 9, 9:13pm
David's recipe does sound good, doesn't it! Thank you David, I've copied it down as we've been given so much venison the two of us are going to need different recipes so we don't get sick of it. I plan on freezing some of course. Red grape juice would be perfect, thank you beaker!
Feb 9, 11:07pm
Tomato paste is good with venison,
Feb 10, 5:59pm
Thanks rainrain, but my man is not fussed on anything that's too tomatoey, so I think I'll try the red grapejuice with first lot. Thanks for your help.
Feb 10, 11:22pm
Is Vincon truly non-alcoholic! Or just hardly any.
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