Plums, plums and more plums.

rrrg, Feb 4, 11:19pm
What to do with the plums.

Can i freeze them without stewing or do I need to cook first.

Any ideas greatly appreciated. They are small red and yellow plums(red on outside)

chrissie91, Feb 4, 11:21pm
Bag them up and freeze them raw. I have never cooked them first.

elliehen, Feb 4, 11:22pm
You're a wag, chrissie91 ;)

chrissie91, Feb 4, 11:36pm
True ellie,always worked for me.

jessie981, Feb 5, 1:10am
We could tell you but best to pop into lefthand messageboard & under keyword put plums. Under date put last year. Every recipe you need will probably be there.

dbab, Feb 5, 1:27am
I have made 9 jars of red plum jam this morning. It looks so lovely, and I lobve listening to the cellophane covers crackling as it cools. Very satisfying.