I am looking at converting my 6 burner BBQ in to a deep fryer as I can not seem to find a deep fryer that suits my needs without paying big money and going to a commercial type fryer but that wont work as I need it to be mobile. So, my plan was to remove the grill and hot plate and custom make a stainless steel "bucket" (for lack of a better term) that would be about 800mm x 500mm x by 200mm deep. What I need to know is, is it ok to have a flame burning directly on to the stainless steel in order to heat the oil or does it need something in between the stainless and the flame to transfer the heat! And will 6 gas burners be enough to heat the oil effectively! Any help or ideas would be very much appreciated. TIA
Feb 1, 1:03pm
Lot of trouble ,effort and monies.why not go to a commercial auction selling off kitchen gear and buy a double deep fryer and put it on a couple of wheels.can then be moved about and put on trailer. We had one at the fishing club, brought out on family days and after fishing contests to cook fish and chips, hotdogs deep fried battered mussels and scallops. The kids loved the food and so did the girls not having to cook.we also made burgers for those that wanted them We used one side for fish and chips and the other for the other things.
Feb 1, 8:54pm
Buy a gas ring, sold at either Warehouse or Bunnings, Mitre10 etc.
Far better and more controllable and is done outdoors in an open air environment.
Feb 1, 11:27pm
When the Cambodian part of our family have a big event they do exactly that and have a gas ring under a large pot and cook these fantastic crunchy spicy aromatic chicken wings mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm one of my favourites.
Feb 2, 2:16am
Best way to feed masses. especially with those double Stainless steel boilers, only thing was to watch the water level in the outers but they feed heaps and very economically.
Had some great stews, puddings, veges, soups etc etc.
Feb 2, 2:26am
In short NO
The burners will not be able to account for the sudden drop in temp if you put frozens in there - especially in any kind of decent quantity - if COMMERCIAL fryers struggle a bunsen burner home job will not cope either - sorry
you may need to bite the bullet and get creative with a welder fabricator and some old kitchen equipment
Feb 2, 2:34am
Ask OSH, for the guidelines for such a conversion.
Feb 3, 1:34am
the gas jets on our commercial are thematically controlled so they reach temp and turn down and no there does not appear to be anything between the gas jest and the tub
Feb 3, 3:20am
wouldnt risk it
Feb 3, 3:24am
What ever you do with a gas appliance, it will need a certificate of compliance.
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