We bought 2 roast chickens to take to the beach today, had 1 and wondering of the 2nd one is Ok too put in the fridge for tomorrow! TIA
Jan 29, 11:37pm
Did you take it to the beach with you!
Jan 29, 11:46pm
If you put it in the fridge after you ourchased it. YES
Jan 29, 11:47pm
scrape the sand off & it will be ok.
Jan 30, 12:33am
Yes we did take it to the beach, but didnt open it.
Jan 30, 12:35am
Was it in a chilly bin with ice, or just rolling around in the bag! If it wasnt well chilled all day, I would bin it.
Jan 30, 12:56am
Same here, if its been out of the fridge all day, not worth the risk, throw out.I had food poisoning once from a bought chicken, and it was the worst thing ever, so never take any risks.
Jan 30, 12:58am
I would definitely throw it away.Food poisoning is awful, you don't think you want to die, you really think you are going to.
Jan 30, 12:59am
Give the cat a taste, if it leaves don't eat!
Jan 30, 1:05am
LOL and if it does, make sure you have the number of the Emergency Vet.
Jan 30, 1:10am
I am really blazee about expire dates on food. But chicken after a day at the beach, I think that one would be gone.
Jan 30, 2:03am
I would definitely eat it - just scrape the sand away as said above - it will also get rid of all the food poisoning - and you'll be fine :)
Jan 30, 2:11am
I wouldnt eat it. prob been stting in the chicken warmer for awhile before you brought it.and then it sat in the car for awhile.and then it was at the beach. give it to the cat :0)
Jan 30, 2:12am
Are you serious! You really want to kill the cat!
Jan 30, 5:34am
Not worth it lol. Elderly Dad had a bad case of salmonella from a cooked chook left out all day. He was crook for weeks. Bin it, and don't give it to the animals either. My wife gets the cooked chooks from the supermarket, but she puts the crock pot on before she leaves home and pops them straight in their till tea time. Anything left gets put in the fridge and used for sammies or casserole the next day. Yum. You can NEVER be too careful with chicken.
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