was wondering what other people think of her-i think she is great,and world kitchen is a great series,i have only tried one of her recipes-it was really good,and very good on the pocket.
Jan 15, 8:14am
Really like her.like Annabel.she de-mystifies cooking and makes it easier for most people.I think.
Jan 15, 8:20am
fantastic personality, very down to earth and fun to watch with yummy recipes
Jan 15, 9:07pm
Awful woman, her recipes just scrape through as moderately authentic and as for that Langbein thing, don't get me started.Seen her off camera a couple of times and what a prima-donna.
Jan 15, 10:32pm
Wickes somehow manages to remove the character and excitement from even the most exciting places and dishes.Her Vietnamese Pho Ga is an example of how she dumbs things down - she leaves out the spices that give it its essential character (star anise, cinnamon, black cardamom, charred ginger), leaves out most of the garnishes (deep fried shallots, sring onions, Vietnamese mint, lime wedges) and you are left with a pleasant but generic chicken noodle soup.
Jan 16, 2:52am
Jan 16, 2:54am
I think she has a really good show and I have made heaps of her recipes and they have all turned out great.I watch her every day now.
Jan 16, 4:22am
half for,half against.
Jan 17, 3:42am
she makes it to kiwi taste buds , most kiwis wouldn`t go to thetrouable to find vietamese mint, palm sugar, crispy garlic /shallot etc etc they use whats in their pantry and frigde she does a good basic job . I know ppl in the south that think a curry is a stew with raisin ,up here its a hole differnt thing , Indian curry, Thai green /red /yellow curries , Maylasian curries, sinapore /chinesse curriesIndo fijian curries etc Howevermost Foodies & Aucklanders its common ingredients to ones kitchen :)
Jan 17, 3:57am
I love her, think he is quite funny and great happy personality, she also writes restaurant reviews for the NZ Herald which are always good to read.
Jan 18, 12:06am
Oh Christ!Her restaurant reviews are as bad as her cooking, bland, bland bland & did I mention bland. I have seen more personality in a dog turd.
Jan 18, 2:24am
Jan 18, 3:19am
isnt it great that we are all different with different likes and dislikes
Jan 18, 3:33am
lol. who gives a flying. what the purists think.bet they stick their pinky out when they drink a cup'o tea
Jan 18, 7:09am
Have seen her program in brief bits a few times. IMO she hasn't got the personality to make it compelling viewing, so I haven't even bothered to look at/ listen to the recipes.
Jan 18, 8:02am
You guys are tough alright. I really like her and her program.
Jan 18, 8:08am
Yes I like her too but then I use packet rice risotto so maybe I am not one to judge.
Jan 18, 10:57am
Well that's a huge generalisation if ever I heard one! Maybe back in the 80's!
Jan 18, 7:38pm
I like her too, and if you are a dedicated foodie, perhaps you might not realise that it's a challenge for more people to cook "different" dishes!
Eg, it might be out of your comfort zone, family members might be fussy, or have food intolerances that make the cook stick to tried and true, or (and me personally I think this is a big one) financial constrictions that mean you can't afford unusual ingredients.
So I think World Kitchen goes a long way to bridge that gap, showing achievable recipes for NZers to try.
Jan 18, 7:55pm
I kinda like Richard Till's ads.I know he has the most annoying manner ever, but he keeps things simple and straightforward. In a time when cooking is no longer taught at school, and many people eat more and more convenience food, it's good to see him talk about.what to do with onions etc (as an example). Starting from scratch and cooking fast and fresh, havent seen him open jars and tins very often unlike the food-in-a-minute woman. It's nice to see a back-to-basics approach. One of the most heavily used sections in our library is the cooking area.it is great to see the continuuing interest and fascination we all have with food!
Jan 18, 8:43pm
The whole program is an advertisement for TEGAL, that's mainly why everything is dumbed down, so they can find a way to use their insipid product.
Jan 18, 9:19pm
I like Richard Till too - and am not bothered by his vigorous speech delivery ;)
I agree that he'd be a good TV cook for home leavers and new flatters to follow.Any TV chef who inspires the home cook to be innovative is worth watching.Each of us has a different level of expertise and widely different culinary ambitions.
Jan 18, 10:03pm
i dont like gordon ramsey very much but i dont seek out threads on him to rant how i dont like him .man people in this country luv to bitch and moan
nicki wicks - her face lights up she smiles alot and she loves what she does, who cares if its advertising, same can be said for others .gosh sponsorship/advertising happens all the bloody time no matter what area, sport for example. she entertains me!
Jan 18, 10:37pm
hahaha. Funnily enough we have all of the above (and more.) available to us AND cars, phones. computers, and electricity too. One knows one can find all the above. And for the record this Sth Islander has never tried stew with raisins! Maybe it's just your friends/family who makes it!. Too funny
Jan 19, 9:34am
I'm in the South Island and can guarantee that my parents thought curries were stews with sultanas (berk).My sister and I were sharing memories about Mum's "curries" recently - wondering what she had put in them to make them gritty.
Anyway, vintagekitty, I think the post was valid.There are still plenty of people who eat old style, or conservatively.Not everyone has had their culinary taste buds tickled to your extent maybe!
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