Ice cream maker prob?

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iman007, Jan 18, 1:35am
shop a holic

i salute you.thanx buddy

tommydog, Jan 20, 12:49am
Do any of you budding Ice Cream makers happen to have a Black and Decker machine I have one sitting in the box ever been able to use it as I don't have an instruction book.What should I do!

iman007, Jan 20, 1:54am
trademe, lol

lodgelocum, Jan 20, 2:21am
Contact the distributor, they may be able to get you a copy, or can you google it.

willyow, Jan 31, 12:17pm
Always make the custard the day before and put it in the fridge - this is called 'aging' and is the key to making good ice cream. Even the cheap rubbish producedfro supermarkets is aged before freezing. The other trick is to add 20-30 grams of glucose ( available at health food stores) which stops the ice cream freezing rock hardso you can get scoops out when you take it out of thefreezer. I make vanilla bean ice cream all the time - it is fabulous.