OK, this is a great traditional-type carrot cake, with excellent taste and texture, though a special-occasion version rather than an el cheapo one. It's being demolished behind me now.
BTW I baked half a mix in a 23cm ring tin, which was just the right size.
Thanks hairchopper!
Apr 18, 12:07am
Absolutely agree with Annie Made one this afternoon and it has turned out beautifully. So moist, so delicious! ! ! Yes a lot of carrot but what a result! ! Love the apricots etc.
Apr 18, 9:46am
just finished baking this... wow, the 2hours is no joke. I also concur with annie. . its one of those high class cakes (im not sure is it a cake anymore) for special occasions. I've reduced the sugar by 70grams and it still taste fantastic. I will make one for my grandma next week.
Apr 18, 2:12pm
OK, the entire extended family vote is in - this is the carrot cakes to end all carrot cakes! I'm making another one today since the first one, admittedly only half size, vanished in record time.
Apr 18, 2:13pm
Should have said - half of the mix in a 23cm ring tin takes 35 mins to cook, so if you want it to take less than 2 hours for the whole mix, a big ring tin is the way to go.
Apr 18, 4:15pm
OH MY GOSH I made this cake and omg it was amazing beautiful very moist and yummmmmmmy now i have to make another for my friends as i brought it up for them to try it, its was beautiful Thank you so much hairchopper
Apr 18, 6:21pm
I made another carrot cake yesterday and added the orange rind and juice and its lovely and also made in a medium size roasting tin and only took an hour to cook. I am going to the same frosting but with orange juice/rind and yogurt raisins and large flaked coconut on top. I also made the chocolate cake from this thread but found it cracked on top so I need to cook at a lower temp next time havent iced it yet looking forward to trying this one and we just love the caramel slice this is a winner and made that again too.
Apr 18, 10:08pm
OH MY GOD I made two carrots cakes for sons surprise 30th BDay. I cut 3 0 out of the two cakes and plastered them with cream cheese icing . No one believed I made them . The cake was just the best ever. It was a hit all round . Thanks for the recipe again. Son got down on one knee and proposed to his girlfriend last night as well, another total surprise.
Apr 18, 10:23pm
Oh Darn! ! ! ! I put baking powder in, instead of baking soda! ! ! What happens when you use BS in cake , what does it actually do? ? ? ?
Apr 18, 10:31pm
Fantastic Cutezie... . One of my younger sons will be 21 next month. I have the most amazing carrot cake recipe that my brother gave me years ago. People that have tried the cake say it's the best that they've tasted. I will make it for my son's 21st, but add the toppings off the carrot cake recipe in here. The ingredients are very similar to this one. Good on you for making a success with baking your son's cakes, and congrats to your son. Hope-fully you will have a weeding to look forward to in the future, and you could show your talents again by baking the wedding cakes.
Apr 18, 10:48pm
Lol... ... . . Was meant to say wedding not weeding. I'm sure you would prefer to look forward to a wedding rather than doing some weeding. http://www.trademe.co. - nz/images/icons/2. gifhttp://ww- w. trademe.co.nz/images/icons/2- . gif
Apr 18, 10:50pm
Oh my goodness... . I'm not very computer literate, and was trying to add on two smiley icons, instead I added on other things, gee I'm a dick today, lol!
Apr 18, 11:44pm
Hi Scholar54, Please can you post your recipe for Carrot cake, on here, (in this thread), pretty please?
Apr 18, 11:55pm
can anyone post a pic of the finished cake ? TIA
Apr 19, 12:51am
Sorry, totally gone. .
Apr 19, 12:58am
I can but where and how do I post. . someone help? ? ?
Apr 19, 1:41am
Hi timturtle. . The photo is on my profile... along withe chocolate cake nd caramel slice. .
Apr 19, 1:49am
thanks for that, there is a way to up load photos, but i cant remember how, looks like you have been busy
Apr 19, 1:54am
remember now, go to my trade me and down the bottom is my photos, then you up load the photo, and then cut n paste the web address into a message, hope that makes sense, cheers
Apr 19, 2:23am
Thanks for that . . That will try next time a bit tired now lol lol I havent done a baking sint for awhile been keeping away from the baking... . lol lol
Apr 19, 2:48pm
The best carrot cake ever... Thanks for this recipe - made it last night to take up north for my grandson's birthday. Cut two sides away to eat with our dinner and it was just f a b u l o u s! ! !
Apr 21, 7:53am
thats awesome! ! ! anyone else made it yet? ? ? ? ?
Apr 24, 7:45pm
bump !
Apr 25, 1:28am
Carrot cake Motueka caught my eye as I grew uo there as a chid and haven't been back for many years. Zapped through the posts but missed the tin size if making 1 cake ... is it a 30cm sq tin?
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