Thanks alot hairchopper! I never doubted you! feel free to collect your compliementary macaroons from valentinoo on your way out.
Apr 16, 5:08am
Hi everyone! ! ! The mixture looks great with all those bits and pieces, I had no mixed spice couldnt believe it asI have everything in my kitchen so I used mace(which I just love) and fresh nutmeg grated, allspice, cinnamon and cloves smells lovely. I used my 30cm round cake tin loose botton one and it came 3/4 the way up the side of the tin, so I would use a medium size roasting dish not a great big one but up to you, I like cakes that rise high. Good luck! !
Apr 16, 5:13am
Will tell you... What it tastes like tomorrow, only 2 hours to go till its cooked... . . I have made a chocolate slice, the pukeko junction caramel oat slice, easter chocolate muffins and now the carrot cake tonite, I'm done now I am going to rest my feet up for a while! ! lol lol
Apr 16, 6:41am
Hi Everyone! well i didnt get around to making the carrot cake tonight, after i burnt the chicken curry for tea, i made chocolate cup cakes with the kids, Then retired to the couch after a flood in the laundry! The topping on the icing if i remember rightly was chopped up dried apricots, & pumpkin seeds, Ive used seasme seeds too, I dont think there is anything that special about this cake but the best one ive ever had! you can add more seeds & nuts too, well i hope you all like it, Hope i wont be getting the blame if its a flop like some of my cakes have been lately! ! ! peace!
Apr 16, 3:24pm
To # 106... . . Was thinking of Condensed Milk instead of using milk and minus an egg. Eggs can make a cake a little bit drier in taste if not done properly, the other item was wholemeal flour with a littlebaking powder added similar to a self-raising flour. Noted a big amount of oil, oil will always make a cake more moister than others hence the thought of condensed milk... but with the use of wholemeal flour would equate it a little. Just thoughts. Cheers. Oh, the dried fruit part, was wondering whether is better to soak them a little first but then it could get a bit close to a fruit cake... Hmmm just thoughts only folks... neverless wondering further.
Apr 16, 3:53pm
And... Well Done Chopper ! ! ! ! ! ! You came through regardless... Great credit to you and now enjoy the feedbacks... . Cheers.
Apr 16, 4:50pm
Thanks Valentino for # 114... . . for sharing. That certainly is an interesting ingredient. I was curious to know what your mystery ingredient was. I hadn't thought of condensed milk; I think it's a great idea. 10/10.
Apr 16, 8:59pm
Hairchopper, come in please Hairchopper... . Is there actually supposed to be grapes added into this recipe? Just wondering, because of the title of the cake. Thanks.
Apr 16, 9:08pm
svx1 SO tell us... how did it turn out? Really keen to hear back from you!
Apr 16, 10:00pm
Hi Scholar, while you are waiting to hear from Hairchopper, my 2 cents worth is: I think the reference to "grape" (#73)was that the cafe used to be called Grain and Grape but is now called The Moorings, ie NO actual grapes in the ingredients.
Apr 16, 10:33pm
I have cooked one cake and another in the oven for sons 30th surprise birthday bash. Thanx for the recipe . The house has smelled divine all day Looking forward to tasting tomorrow along side 40 other people. Looked in a cake shops in AK, asking $85 for a carrot cake this size
Apr 16, 10:55pm
r123l... . Thank you for theslice recipe I've just taken it out of the oven, and it looks amazing!,
Apr 16, 11:39pm
Scholar54 - hairchopper1 works during the day - if you look back thru the thread you will see she says she usu. logs in late at night.
I was going to make this today, but my daughter's baby was sick, and she works, so my day sort of got nuked.
Apr 16, 11:47pm
re#117 - scholar54, I see that blackx in #119 has given you an explanation re the reference to "grapes" in the carrot cake's name - I have another thought i. e. there ARE grapes in the recipe - dried ones = sultanas. It will be interesting to see what hairchopper1's thoughts are re the "grapes" - hope all goes well for your move south hairchopper1. :-))
Apr 16, 11:55pm
r1231, a B-I-G thank you from me for the Pukeko Junction Caramel Oat Slice and accompanying Orange Sauce recipes - Yummy! ! ! ! ! - I love caramel anything so thanks so much. Chocolate runs at a very close second to caramel so when you have a chance I'd love the chocolate cake recipe too please and I'm wondering if you got any savoury recipes from Pukeko Junction - their Caramelised Onion and Blue Tart was always sooo yummy too but sadly they didn't have any last time we were there, here's hoping for better luck next time we call in. :-))
Apr 17, 1:44am
WELL YUM YUM YUM ! ! ! ! ! Oh the cake is fabulous frosted it with the usual cream cheese frosting and sprinkled pumpkin, chopped apricots , sunflower seeds on top and it is moist, I think the difference from the other carrot cakes has to be combination of walnuts, pumpkin seeds, saltanas, walnuts and alot of carrot. Its texture is quite chuncky which I like. The only change that I would like to make is to try orange rind and juice from 2 oranges and use a little less oil. When the cake came out it was just over half way up the pan.
Apr 17, 1:47am
Would definitely recommend! ! Thankyou once again hairchoppera excellent recipe and now guys where do we go from here waiting in anticipation for something NEW! ! ! cheers Everyone its FUNTASTIC! !
Apr 17, 4:36am
Thanks for the carrot cake Recipe only about half left after a successful run tonight. Quite a fulling one I thought. We only had a little square. Not the normal big slice! And I to made in a 30 cm tin. Beautiful
Apr 17, 4:44am
245Sam - Pukeko Junction Chocolate Cake Sorry have no savoury recipes. But isn't it a great place. Believe it or not they just use the Anathoth RaspberryJam in this as I have talked to the old owner about it. She was furious at me as everyone kept ringing her once the recipe was in taste to ask advice! ! She still cooked me a beautiful breakfast though!
2 cups flour 2 cups brown sugar 3/4 cup cocoa 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoon baking powder pinch salt two eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup black coffee 1/2 cup sour cream 1/2 cup milk 1/2 cup oil
Apr 17, 4:50am
cont... . CHOCOLATE ICING: 50 grams softened butter 1 T sour cream 3 T Cocoa 1/2 C Blac Coffee Icing Sugar
METHOD: sift dry ingredients into a bowl stir in wet ingredients to a batter. pour into a 23-25 cm tin. bake at 180 for 35-45 minutes.
When cold cut in half spread raspberry jam and chocolate icing on the bottom half of the cake. replace top half and ice with the rest of the icing.
here is the link on the taste website where the recipe is also:Enjoy http://recipefinder. aspx? id=766861
Apr 17, 5:02am
yum! that looks so good - thanks so much for posting that recipe r1231 and I do sooo agree that Pukeko Junction is a great place - we always used to go to Nor' West Cafe at Amberley until Pukeko Junction opened as such. Blue Duck at Motukarara is great too - have you been there? It's the place on the Akaroa Highway that many years ago was known as The Black Tulip. :-))
Apr 17, 5:18am
No thought about it when we heard were owned by the same people. But then heard it was sold by them. Really love Pukeko's Breakfasts. Whats the blue Ducks Breakfasts like? We have been to pukeko since they sold still really worth it. They have kept all the same recipes and the same standard.
Apr 17, 6:00am
re Blue Duck - we've only been there for lunches (very yummy too and good value) or a coffee stop so, sorry I can't tell you what their breakfasts are like. I understand that Blue Duck has been sold and was prior to our last visit there which was about 7 weeks ago - still the same type and quality of food. :-))
Apr 17, 7:14am
#117. . I was wondering that myself too but apparently the sultanas is considered grapes.,
Apr 17, 9:21pm
ok, my carrot cake is in the oven - I put half the mix into a standard sized ring tin. Man, that's a lot of carrots and raisins and walnuts and apricots - it looks very virtuous.
Will report back, though I can say the raw dough tastes great.
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